The Girl After Bloody Halloween

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Sitting next to Chifuyu and Baji's lifeless body, I cried. I cried and cried. I was no longer paying any attention to what was going on around me at this point. All I knew was that my heart was hurting like crazy and I didn't know what to do.

"B...Baji" I sniffled.

Police sirens could now be heard and everyone that wasn't Toman started to leave the area. Still, not paying attention to anything around me, I didn't noticed that someone had came over to me and tried to help me up.

"Come on, (Y/n). We need to go." They reached down and placed a hand on my shoulder. Without thinking, I slapped their hand off me. "(Y/n)." I shook my head no.

"Just grab her, Mitsuya" Draken told him.

Mitsuya reached down and wrapped his arms around my waist, hoisting me off the ground. Still in a not very good mental state due to Baji's death, I started to scream and kick against him. "Let me go!" I screamed. I continued struggle in his hold.

"That's enough, (M/n)-chi" I could hear Mikey say as all of Toman started to leave the area, leaving Kazutora behind with Baji.

"Shut up, Mikey!" I glared at him and finally stopped struggling, letting Mitsuya help me walk. "J...just shut up" I cried.

Mitsuya drove me back home since he was the only one that I wanted to talk to at the moment. I didn't say much to him though when I got off his bike. I just walked away and went inside the apartment. Once inside, I walked straight to my room and got ready to lock myself in there. Before I could even close the door, Takimaru quickly ran in the room.

"Meow" he rubbed himself against my leg and I sort of ignored him by walking to my bed. I laid down and curled up into a ball, hugging one of my pillows.

I stayed like that and broke down again. Takimaru knew I was upset and jumped into the bed. He tried his best to comfort me and I appreciated it. "You know you have stanky cat breath, right?" I asked him as he just licked my nose. He replied back with loud purring and trying to snuggling into the spot where I was holding the pillow. I removed the pillow from my arms and snuggled Takimaru instead.

Later that day, Amaya came home. She noticed that something seemed off and went straight to my room, knocking on the door. "(Y/n)?" A muffled huh could be heard. "Open the door please." She stood there and waited for me to unlock the door, which I did.


Amaya stared at my face and saw how puffy and red my eyes were. "What happened?"


"(Y/n), please tell me." I nodded my head and walked back over to my bed, sitting down. Amaya sat next to me and Takimaru got in my lap. I stayed silent for a few minutes and went on to tell her what happened. She gasped and quickly brought me into a hug. "(Y/n), I'm..."

"'s okay."

"No, it is not okay!" She held me to where she could look me into the eyes. "You lost a friend today, how can this be okay?" I started to cry again and buried my face in her chest. She held me tightly, rubbing my back.


About two weeks had past since the big fight with Valhalla and the death of Baji. I was still grieving about it but not as much. I wanted to remember all the good times we had and tell him about other things that will happen in the nearby future.

"Hey, Baji." I stood in front of the gravestone. "I brought Takimaru." I looked down in my cat pouch that was attached to the sweatshirt I was wearing. "You know this little guy misses you like crazy." I rubbed my finger under Takimaru's chin and he purred. I stood there for awhile, not really saying anything. All you could hear was Takimaru's weird little noises he makes every now and then when his asleep.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now