<BAD END 10>

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(Y/n) didn't know what came over her. Was it because she couldn't bare to see another friend die? Or was it because she knew if Takemichi was to die here right now, he couldn't time leap and try to fix everything again? Or maybe it had something to do with the fact she was sick and tried of herself not being able to help? She was a close friend to both Mikey and Takemichi, so why wouldn't she try to do something for them, even if it would get her killed.

"..." (Y/n) looked down at the katana that just pierced through her and back up at Mikey. "Oh, so that's how it feels to get stabbed" she joked as she coughed up blood.

"(Y/n)?" Takemichi wasn't able to see what was going to happened next until it was too late. "Wait, why did this vision come to me late?!" he thought as he ran over to her. "I didn't even see (Y/n) anywhere" he continued to think.

"(Y/n)?" Mikey's dark impulses had suddenly vanished when he watched her back up in order to get the katana out of her abdomen. "(Y/n)?!" He dropped the Katana.

"Ugh." She held her wound as she stumbled backwards. "I...should have left that in there, huh?" She tried to laugh but only more blood came out of her mouth. She then suddenly fell to her knees and watched her own blood start pooling around her.

"...(Y/n)." Mikey had tears in his eyes as he knelt in front of her. "Why? Why did you..."

"...because I know Takemichi can just trigger another time leap." She held her hand up and cupped Mikey's cheek. "It wouldn't be good if he got killed here today, right?"

Mikey put his hand over her's and stared at her "B...but what if it doesn't work? What if Takemitchy isn't able to..." Before he could finish his sentence, Mitsuya ran over to where (Y/n) was.

"(Y/n)!" He got on his knees in front of her as well. "You fucking idiot!"

"Hehehe, yeah..." She coughed a few more times. "D...don't worry...though." She could tell her vision was starting to get blurry as she took her hand away from Mikey's cheek and tried to look in the direction Mitsuya was. "I...I'm sure this can be fixed."

"But you didn't leave the katana in, (Y/n)" Mitsuya pointed out as he too had tears in his eyes. "And I don't even know how long it would take for the ambulance to get here."

She shook her head. "T...that's not what...I..." Her body grew colder and colder by the minute as her eyes grew heavy.

"You shouldn't be talking right now, (Y/n)" Mitsuya told her.

"Y...yeah." She felt her body sway from side to side until she hit what she thought was the ground, but it was actually Mitsuya's lap she hit. "I'll just close my eyes and..." She closed her eyes and everything around her grew quiet. She could no longer hear anything that Mitsuya, Mikey, or Takemichi were saying at this point.

"Takemichi!" Mikey looked over at the boy. "My hand!" Mikey held his hand out for Takemichi to shake it.

"R...right!" Takemichi shook Mikey's hand and was waiting for the trigger to happen but nothing happened. "It's not working?!"

"What the hell do you mean it's not working?!" Mikey exclaimed.

While Takemichi and Mikey were trying to get the trigger to work, Mitsuya lifted up (Y/n)'s cold lifeless body. "You idiot." He hugged her body. "Why?" The tears that were already falling from his eyes fell harder. "Why did you do something so reckless like that?" Mitsuya knew he would never get the answer to that question.

"Is it because I no longer need to save you?" Takemichi questioned as he looked at Mikey. He remembered something similar like this happened with Naoto when he saved Hina. "Your dark impulses vanish after you stabbed (Y/n), Mikey." 

Mikey looked over at Mitsuya who was still hugging (Y/n)'s lifeless body. "What do you mean?" Takemichi explained to Mikey what could be the reason he wasn't able to trigger a time leap. "No...that can't be right." Mikey went over to Mitsuya. He couldn't help but stare at (Y/n)'s lifeless body. "You can't go back and save (Y/n)." Mikey got back down on his knees and asked Mitsuya if he could him hold her.

Mitsuya really didn't want to let (Y/n) go but he knew he couldn't keep her to himself. "Fine." He handed Mikey (Y/n)'s body and got up, walking over to where Hakkai was.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)." Mikey held her tight as he cried.

Everybody that was there, just stood there in silence, well except for the Toman members who knew (Y/n) and was friends with her. They were crying. This wasn't suppose to happen but it did and no one could do anything about it right now.

"Amaya-san's never going to forgive us" Pah said to himself as he tried to wipe away some of his tears.


On the day of (Y/n)'s funeral, Amaya cried silently to herself. She didn't speak a word to anyone who showed up to the funeral. How could she? Her child was taken away from her because of them. She could never forgive them or herself for letting her daughter get involved in a gang fight.

"You broke your promise, (Y/n)" Amaya thought as she looked at the photo of her daughter that was there for the funeral. "But then again, I'm the one who let you go" she continued to think as she heard footsteps approach her from behind.

"Amaya-san" Mitsuya spoke as the woman didn't answer him. "I'm sorry." He bowed along with the others who were with him. "We..."

"You know, she would never forgive me if I stayed angry with you all." Amaya turned to face the boys. "And I know you aren't all to blame for her death." She wiped away a tear with her handkerchief. "She was going to go to that fight regardless of what I told her."

"But, Amaya-san" Chifuyu started but she cut him off.

"It's okay. I'm just grateful you all became her friends when no one else would." She gave the boys a small weak smile. "I know she was truly happy with all you around in her life." She walked past them and went outside the building. She needed a moment to herself as she broke down again. "I know you would want me to forgive, (Y/n), but I just..." her tears continued to fall as she covered her face with her handkerchief.

"Where's Mikey?" Angry asked as he looked around.

"He left right after the service with Takemichi" Peh answered as he payed his respects again.

Just like Peh said, Mikey left with Takemichi. The two of them were determine to do anything they could to cause any sort of trigger so Takemichi could go back in time. After all, (Y/n) wasn't meant to be the one to die in that fight, someone else was.

<Bad End 10>

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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