Chapter 1

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~Y/n POV~

I've been friends with the Dream Team for as long as I can remember. We all met through discord when I was around 12. And turned 21 about a month ago. When the team decided to start streaming I joined in.

Fortunately, for them, their viewer count skyrocketed, and now they are a couple of the most known Minecraft players. On the other hand, I wasn't so lucky. I rarely had a few people watching my streams, and I was fine with it. I never mentioned being friends with a bunch of popular streamers, and my friends thankfully never mentioned me.

I don't think I would be ready for the instant growth in popularity. Me and the Dream Team- well technically I am in the team, but it hasn't been publicly announced. We have late night talks at least twice a week, which I'm incredibly thankful for.

"Y/n, you with us?"
George pulls me out of my thoughts,

"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking,"
The group scoffs at my lame response.

"Well, what are you thinking about?" Dream retorts, envasizing the word, 'thinking'.
A smile lights up my face, I shake my head.

"Just the old times, y'know?"

The discord call fills with silence, each lost in their minds, thinking about the past. Sapnap breaks the silence, not liking the quiet situation.
"We should meet up."

George reply's laughing, "Nick. I don't know if you knew, but me and Y/n live in the UK, there's no way we would survive in America. Have you seen the way they drive? It's on the complete opposite side of the road. Also, wouldn't it be easier for you guys to come here? Me and Y/n live around 15 miles away from each other."

I add, "I also have college coming up, and I need to save money for it. And not to mention, plane tickets are expensive. Especially for 'out of the country flights.'"

Sapnap let's out a defeated sigh, but Dream on the other hand,

"Oh come on, now. It's your best friends! We've known each other for almost ten years now. We have to meet up. The entire team. We can't meet up without you."

(I know you heard it ;)

I scratch my neck awkwardly, "Clay, I really can't afford it right now, I wish I could. But maybe next year when I'm adjusted."

"I'll pay for it, for all of you."

I freeze, replaying the words in my head. It took me a moment to process the words.
"Clay, no-"

He cuts me off again, "it's our only chance to finally meet up, please. You've all done so much for me, I can least pay for us to meet up."

Gosh, why did he use that voice. No, stop. I'm getting ahead of myself.

Sapnap's voice fills with excitement, "So does that mean we can?"

I regained control of my voice, "Im really sorry guys, and that's so generous of you Clay, but I really can't. Who will watch my cat? And no way am I missing work. And the streams-"

Anxiety began to work its way into my words, I tried my best to act confident but Dream had already noticed and tried to comfort me. Tried.

"Y/n don't worry, doesn't your mom live near? She can watch your cat."

He tried, but the so-called 'comfort' actually made things worse. Some of the stress turned into anger. My mum hasn't been the most respectful to me, she controlled my life when I was younger. She left me alone most nights, off to drink, and never came home til the early hours of morning.

3 years ago, I left that house as fast as I could, to try and start a new life. But my mum is is still trying to control my life now. I've told her multiple times to leave me alone, and she won't. You may be thinking, 'isn't that normal for a mum to watch out for you like that?' It's a whole lot different than you'd expect.

She manipulative and like I said, controlling. She pretty recently tried to make me move back in with her and her new boyfriend, which I found, was a creep. I get bad feelings just by hearing his name. I declined and she got mad, Im pretty sure she was drunk but that didn't give her an excuse to hurt me.

She latched her hands on my wrists and squeezed them tightly. Like suffocating tight. Digging her nails into my skin, creating crescents. Which caused them to bleed, swell and bruise. I haven't talked to her since. But that doesn't mean she stopped try to contact me. I ignore all of her messages and calls. I shook the memory out of my head and took a deep breath, "Me and my mum, we- we aren't on speaking terms at the moment."

The call was silent, which was exactly what I didn't want to happen. And tried to reassure them.
"But it's okay I'll find someone, maybe one of my neighbors can watch Kora."

(a/n Kora is the name of my cat, if you want to switch it you can!)

I tried to change the subject but the call remained silent, until Dream speaks up. His voice was almost like a whisper, and it was cute that he cared so much about me.
"Y/n is everything ok?"

I gulped trying to get the anxiety levels to lower. I looked down at my wrists that were still nastily bruised and scraped up from the encounter. I was so glad they couldn't see my face.
"Yeah we're...yep I'm good. Everything is fine." I managed to stutter out. I don't know who I was trying to convince, Clay or myself.

We said our goodbyes and said we'll talk about the trip later.
I turned off my monitor and PC, and leaned back in my chair facing the ceiling.
"Why did I tell them, now they're worried about me."

I shook my head and headed to bed. I decided to take a cold shower to wash 'some' of the worries away. It felt nice. I didn't realize I spent almost an hour in the shower. I got out of the shower and threw on a hoodie and sweat pants and practically fell into bed. I reached over to my side table and picked up my phone that read,

3 notifications

@Clay: Hey are you alright?

@Clay: I'm really sorry I brought up your mom, I didn't know

@Clay: I'm worried please reply, let me know if you need anything okay?


I sent a reply.

@Y/n: No it's ok. Good night

*Clay is typing*


@Clay: sorry again goodnight <3

First chapter and already angst?? Wow.
Also this is my first time using wattpad so bare with me, coz I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Anyways have a good day/night!

(1171 words)

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