Chapter 21

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Im pre-writing this at a party... that's how sad I am. They want me to do karaoke; I refuse. They say I'm a Party Pooper, I'd rather call it severe social anxiety. :')

~Dream's POV~

"Thank you."

I left and went downstairs towards the medical room.

Why did she thank me? Yeah, she would have died, but I was kinda rude to her. She reminded me of someone.

They even look similar, the same h/c hair and same height.

(If you don't have hair, then you're wearing the frickin prettiest hat there is.)

She looked like the same girl that Wilbur was going to kill, wait-

She is apart of L'manburg...

No way-

"Where are you going? And who's that chick upstairs?"

This isn't gonna go well.

"Oh, hello Punz! I didn't see you, when did you get back?"

He hummed, "An hour ago, so who is she?"

I scratched the nape of my neck, trying to come up with an excuse. "Oh, that's Sapnap's sister; she's visiting."

I mentally face palmed, it was a lame excuse, but it's all I got. Punz would kill me if he found out she was from the opposing side.

Punz seemed amused, "Interesting, didn't know Sapnap had a sister"

"Yep," I replied quickly, "I need to go."

I went to the medical room and picked up the eye drop medicine. I'm glad I didn't throw it away, I've had to use it once.

Bad memories

I needed to talk to the boys, excluding Punz. I need to inform them about my lie.

They were both in the living room, this time playing Checkers. "Hey, I need to talk to you both and Y/n."

George rolled his eyes while Sapnap whined, "I'm going to lose my power."

George argued, "what power? I'm literally winning."

They continued to quarrel as we all head to Y/n's room. "Hey, I have the medicine. I also have some things we need to chat about. Can we come in?"

"Yeah. But we?" She seemed a little confused, but we entered.

~Y/n's POV~

We? Does Dream mean him and Sapnap?

"HI Y/N!"

I swear I jumped a foot. "SAPNAP!" Dream yelled. Which caused me to unconsciously flinch.

Both both probably saw me flinch and immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorry I-" Dream cut off Sapnap, "I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay!" I smiled, looking towards the darkness. "Just not quite used to loud noises yet."

"Yeah you both are stupid," a new voice said. The voice had a low British accent.

They must of noticed my silence, since Dream spoke up, "Y/n, this is George. He was the one who pretty much kept you alive those 3 days. He helps with the medical side of things."

It's been awhile since I heard a British accent, it felt like I was back in L'manburg, "Hey George, thanks for not letting me die." The boys chuckled, and I held out my hand to shake.

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