Chapter 28

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10... 9... 8...

Y/n realized she didn't even get to say goodbye.

7... 6... 5...

What would her life be without either of them?

4... 3... 2...

Never in a million years was Y/n ready for what she saw next.

10 paces fire!

And the arrows flew.

One arrow landed deep into the soil, the other embedded into a shoulder.
Deep into a shoulder.

It all happened so fast, Y/n couldn't comprehend anything. Her heart raced as she saw one on land, and one in water.

Cheering was heard, but it didn't come from her side of the path. It came from the L'Manburgian side. The loudest cheer came from none other than Tommy.

That must mean...

They had lost.

Dream laid facedown in the icy water. The
frigid water seeped into his wound, causing horrific stinging. But Dream remained motionless as his blood turned the water red.

Y/n snapped back into the world, she ran and didn't hesitate to jump into the cold water.

The cheering suddenly stopped, and everyone turned their attention to Y/n as she aimlessly began search for Dream's body, splashing water everywhere.

"Guys! Help me!" Y/n yelled through sobs.

But everyone remained where they were, stood motionless, still in shock.

Y/n's tears didn't help with her already blurred sight. She was about to give in when she felt something grab her ankle.

Y/n immediately dropped further into the dark water to pull out whatever was grasping weakly at her leg.

She heaved a half conscious Dream out of the water and onto the path, both dripping wet.

The people around them finally got to their senses.

George pulled Y/n out of the water, while Sapnap got the now coughing Dream.

Dream laid sprawled out on the wood, only being held up by his arms as he coughed his lungs out; water spluttering.

Y/n was leaning on George, whilst she was mimicking Dream; coughing up water.

The water washed the blood away, but it was replaced with new streaks of red. The arrow was still protruding from Dream's shoulder. 

Dream was exhausted. He felt like he had coughed out gallons of water. His throat and lungs burned and ached.
The arrow made everything worse.

Y/n wobbled to her feet, eventually stabilizing, then made her way towards Dream. She pulled his head onto her lap, her eyes never leaving his closed ones.

Blood continued to pour out, staining his hoodie, Y/n's trousers, and the wood and below them.

"We need to get it out," Y/n said, motioning to the arrow.
George shook his head, "He has lost too much blood already, If we pull it out now, he could die. We need to get him home."


Y/n hated that word.

Dream groaned in pain, his brain was foggy and black spots blocked his eyesight. He needed help urgently.

On the other side of the path, Tubbo sat with betrayed eyes. Y/n was a spy, he only just realized it now. She was with them.
Y/n should've been happy with L'Manburg winning, but she was crying over Dream.

Tubbo was frustrated that he gave so much hope to her, so many '2nd chances', but she threw them away like they were nothing. He felt used.
He didn't care anymore, he'd been betrayed too many times, both by close friends, Y/n and Eret.

He continued to glare at the sobbing girl and Dream,

'I hope he dies'

Tubbo thought. He felt a twinge of guilt, but quickly brushed it off as he kicked the dirt under his feet. He began to walk back to L'Manburg, but Tommy stopped him.

Tommy had a huge grin on his face, "Tubbo we won!"

Tommy's smile dissipates as soon as he sees tubbo's devastated face. "Tubbo what's wrong? Is it about Y/-"

"I'm done okay! I'm done with everything, give me some space Tommy!" Tubbo snapped, slightly pushing Tommy away.

Tommy frowned, hurt etched on his face. Tommy scanned Tubbo's eyes, searching for regret, none was shown. He sighed and went back to his group, away from Tubbo.

Punz and Sapnap carried Dream home, while George held Y/n's hand, a sign for comfort.
"He'll be okay, he always pulls through." George said quietly, but Y/n found no comfort in that, and continued to silently cry.

Eventually the faction reached the newly built house, it was similar to the previous one, but this one was laid deeper into a forest; which did not help the situation at hand.

They carefully climbed up the steps, and entered. Sapnap and Punz took Dream to the medical cove, while Y/n and George followed suit, hands still locked.
Eret was no where to be seen.

Y/n was thankful for the kind gesture of George, she needed comfort.

They laid Dream down on the makeshift medical bed. Dream's breathing was becoming incredibly shallow, and his pulse was faint. They needed to hurry.

Y/n let go of George's hand and grabbed Dream's weak hand. Dream was falling in and out of consciousness.

George went into medical mode, "Sapnap I'm going to need you to hold his shoulder while I pull out the arrow."

The began the procedure, and Y/n sat there feeling helpless.

"3. 2. 1."

The arrow came out with some struggle, but out came the bloodied tip of the arrow.

Dream winced and let out a garbled cry and grasped her hand tightly. Which only made Y/n cry harder, she didn't want to see him in pain.

George threw the arrow away and began putting pressure on the wound. Blood soaked the towel within seconds.

Eventually they got him stable and cleaned up, and the three stood with bloodied clothes. Punz left earlier, in search for Eret.

They all showered and changed, both George and Sapnap passed out, but Y/n went to see Dream.

He was sleeping, or passed out. But he was stable, Y/n leaned over and kissed his cheek. She ended up passing out on a chair, holding Dream's hand.

I didn't have time to edit this, sowwy
So Ignore grammar and stuff I guess

I'm excited...
I'm also intrigued for what he's going to do next with his channel.

I hope Dream wins... :D

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