Chapter 31

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~Sapnap's POV~

"Alright boys, you did good keeping your mouths shut. It's not like you had a choice anyway with a knife against you back." A deep calming British voice spoke; Eret.

The look of hurt that was on Y/n's face broke me. To know that I caused that hurt, it was horrible, I've never felt that guilty. It wasn't even my fault, but she didn't know that. She thought that we didn't care about her. That made the pool of guilt in my stomach grow.

She had far to many things happen to her. So she did what she thought was best, she left. I believe she thought that if she left, people would stop getting hurt. That was not the case, especially with a knife pushed against my back and a bloody, unconscious Dream a few paces in front of me.

I looked to George for some sort of comfort, but all he could muster was a half-hearted smile. Which I gladly accepted.

The ropes that bound my wrists together burned my skin. It hurt worse when Eret suddenly grabbed mine and George's wrists and dragged us out of the doorway and downstairs into an old storage closet.

He threw George in first, George stumbling to the floor. Eret then pulled me back by the hair and whispered in my ear, "Good night my friend."

He teased the blade along my back, ripping my shirt and slightly cutting open my skin. I winced when he dug it a little deeper. I felt my shirt sticking to my flesh due to the blood.

Eret then threw me into the musty confined room. I landed with a thud, soon the door was locked, leaving us both in silence. The room wasn't that small, but it I began to feel claustrophobic.

"You okay George?" I said with a smile.

Only then did I realize his puffy mismatched brown and blue eyes, he was worried about Dream and Y/n.

Instead of answering, he broke down into tears. I scooted to where he lied against a wall, and sat next to him, wincing as the cold concrete hit my wound.

The only way I could show comfort was to lean against him, which I did.

He buried his head into my shoulder, tears staining my shirt. His sobs racked his body, "I-I'm s-scared,"

I sighed, I was scared too. The future didn't look to bright for us. "It's okay Georgie. We'll get out of this, I promise."

Soon George's sobs quieted, and I fell asleep to his steady breaths.

I awoke to the sound of the door unlocking. Light filled the once dark room. I had to squint my eyes to see two dark shadows. One shadow was thrown at my feet. The other shut the door once more and locked it.

The blob of darkness in front of me began to groan.

I slowly got up to take a closer look, and a very tired George followed my heels.

George stumbled against the wall, accidentally turning on the light.

That could of been convenient a few hours ago.

Or was it yesterday?

I couldn't remember.

Light settled on the figure below me. Their clothes were stained red.

It was Dream.

I fell to the floor, "Dream? Can you hear me?"

Dream groaned, it wasn't much but it was something. His face was covered in blood and bruises. His normal lime hoodie was soaked red.

What did they do to him?

George stood their in shock, tears falling down his face like a waterfall.

I had to jump over my tied wrists to keep my hands in front of me. I began to peel off Dream's bloody hoodie.

I gagged. It was worse than I thought. A deep gash spread from his left rib to his right hip. Blood pouring out by the gallons. I took his hoodie and began applying pressure, "George look in those boxes, see if you can find anything helpful."

Dream was pale. His eyes and cheeks were sunken in, while a small trail of blood flowed down his face, lips and nose.

A busted lip, black eye, and most likely a broken nose. But I was mostly worried about the blood that flowed out of his matted dirty blonde hair. A hit to the head could unknowingly cause severe damage.

"I found some old bandages and some old clothes. Ooh a deck of cards?"

"I'm gonna have to pass on the cards." Dream spoke in a pained voice.

I smiled bittersweetly. Tears already forming, he's going to be okay.

Dream fell in and out of consciousness. Often making snarky comments are just pained noises.

I wrapped him up with the limited number of bandages, while George sat as far as he could.

He could do a little blood, but this was too much for him. Blood isn't my thing either, but I had to stay strong, I had to do it to save him.

With my bounded wrists, I somewhat helped Dream put on a shirt. Dream ended up staying where he laid, and immediately fell asleep.

Me and George sat against the wall with our cuffed hands in front of us. "What happened to your back?" George whispered quietly.

I sighed,

Why did he have to be so observant?

"Doesn't matter George, let's get some sleep"

He didn't protest as I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

My stomach was sending complaints and my mouth was parched, but that was a problem for later. Right now, I needed to sleep.

~3rd POV~

Tommy knocked and sat idly at Dream's doorstep. He was going to secure their victory; their independence.

He shifted back and forth on the balls of his feet waiting for the door to open. It never did.

Tommy rattled the doorknob, and the door open with a click.

Tommy peeked his head into the quiet building, "Hello? Anybody home?"

The house remained quiet.

Tommy needed to find Dream. The duel's bet was that if Tommy won, L'Manburg would be seen as separate, not free. That's why Tommy came to give Dream Mellohi and Cat. The discs.

The wood floor squeaked below him as he wandered around the seemingly empty house. But there was someone there at some point. Tables and chairs were on their sides. Books and broken glass laid scattered against the floor. It was a mess.

He made his way upstairs and after finding nothing but more destroyed items, he went downstairs.

Tommy heard quiet chattering, so he silently began walking toward the noise.

Why not get free info?

Tommy was met with a hall with numerous doors. The mumbling came from a door on the right.

The talking grew louder as Tommy snuck up closer towards the door. Tommy soon realized that it was Dream, George and Sapnap speaking amongst each other.

"How are we going to get out of here?"

Dream spoke.

Tommy cocked an eyebrow at that.

Sapnap whined, "It's locked and I'm starving. I could eat Henry."

Tommy angrily gasped, he turned the lock on the door and threw it open, "IF YOU TRY AN EAT HENRY IM GONNA—"

Tommy stopped mid sentence at the sight in front of him.

George and Sapnap sat crisscross and were facing each other. While Dream turned away from the door shielding his face.

"What happened to you guys?"

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