Chapter 45

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~3rd Person~

Y/n, Technoblade, Phil and Dream were in a cold and dark bunker far below the surface, planning their attacks on the country; L'Manburg.

They all stood around a table. Dream took his place at the head, silently appointing himself as the leader of the group.

Technoblade rolled his eyes at Dream, not liking where Dream so confidently put himself.

Phil was thinking the exact same thing as Technoblade, but Phil didn't dare show it. Phil had seen what Dream could do, he wasn't going to risk it. But they were a team this time.

Y/n, on the other hand, was not paying attention. She felt out of place, like she wasn't worthy to be standing before two of the strongest people within thousands of squared miles.

The funny thing was, she had been with all of them. She enjoyed the company of each of them and was thankful she had them. But having them all there, at one place, talking in strict tones; it scared her.

She grew anxious at the whole ordeal. At first it was just her hands shaking, but it soon became her whole body.

Y/n turned into a shadow. She tried to blend into the background as much as possible, and only spoke when they asked for something. But beside that, she was a mere watcher to the group.

"Y/n? You with us?" A voice said from ahead of her. The girl looked up from the cracked cobble. She couldn't tell who said her name, because all three men had their eyes on her.

'They're judging you.'

"I-um. Yeah?" She managed to stutter out. She was hoping no one noticed her far from subtle shaking.

"Wanna come see the map?" Dream waved over. Y/n could tell he was trying to act stoic and manly in front on the other two men. But there was a twinge of comfort and love laced into it, that not only Y/n caught on to, but Technoblade noticed it as well.

Y/n walked over to where the map was laid out, but she refused to make eye contact with any of the three.

She took her place beside Dream, whilst Technoblade and Phil stood in front of them, all gazing at the intricately drawn map.

On another paper, in messy scribbles, we're the battle plans; which Y/n took careful notice of.

Y/n ignored the others conversation, as she studied the plans, scanning for anything that could cause harm for Tommy and Tubbo. Even though she would be fighting against them, but she couldn't see them die. She wouldn't let it happen, even if it risked her own life.

A warm hand was placed on the small of Y/n's back. She froze in response, clearly startled, but soon relaxed into the touch once she realized who it was.

"Dream, any more ideas?" Technoblade gruffly asked as he took a seat in one of the cold metal chairs that surrounded the wooden table.

The flickering torches flashed their light on Phil's contorted face. Phil rubbed his chin, searching his mind for anything that would be useful.

Dream removed his hand from Y/n's waist and turned to a nearby bookshelf. As Dream shuffled through books, she felt suddenly cold at the loss of his presence.

But she quickly shook all the upcoming thoughts from her head and continued to read the plans. There wasn't much written down, besides the withers that Technoblade spent a immense amount of time harvesting the skulls.

"There might be something in here." Dream dropped a heavy, thick and quite dusty book on the table.

An unknown language was etched on the front of the soft leather book. "What does it say?" Phil asked, to which Dream ignored completely.

There was many secrets in this book, some to powerful for others to see. Secrets that could do the impossible. Words that even whispered into the air, could change life as others knew it.

Dream held this book with care, though acted nonchalantly and quite careless about it, because he couldn't risk others knowing.

If he acted protective of this book, people would begin to question. It could ruin everything. The world would turn to chaos.

Dream quickly scanned through the tattered, worn and ancient book, leaving no time for the others to take in the previous pages.

Dream stopped flipping through the fragile sheets of paper. On the two pages that laid before the four, was a faded ink drawing.


Phil and Technoblade were confused, and it was very noticeable on their faces.

Y/n though, with her brain that could always see one step ahead, was able to understand the use of the etching.

"Explosion Grids." Y/n spoke confidently.

Dream let out a happy but worried chuckle, "Only been used once. Though the outcome of it is unknown."

Technoblade rolled his eyes, which was followed by a snort, "Whatcha mean the 'Outcome is Unknown'?"

"I told you," Dream spoke bitterly and glared through his mask, "It's Unknown."

Phil decided to break the tension between the two bickering males, "Care to explain how it works?"

Dream came up behind the girl, his chest almost touching her back. His breath hit her neck which caused Y/n to shiver. She gulped, to calm the blush that covered her face. She thanked the darkness of the room for hiding the redness of her face.

Y/n cleared her throat before answering, "You build a Obsidian Grid above the target and drop explosives. Simple."

The boys were left speechless. Phil and Technoblade were surprised at how much you knew. Dream's breath hitched, he was worried about how you knew.

"It's going to be an early morning for us," Technoblade spoke to the girl once they climbed out of the bunker, reaching the surface. It took a bit of time, due to Y/n ripping her muscles and tissues in her calf a few weeks ago. Hopefully she would be fine for tomorrow, she had already began walking on it.

It was already dark out, nearing the early hours of the morning, "Get some rest Y/n. Your exhausted, you'll need it." Technoblade ruffled her hair in a playful manner.

This was the Techno Y/n was used to. The protective older brother. Y/n nudged Technoblade's side, smiling. "Bye guys!"
She waved Techno and Phil off, watching until they disappeared from view.

Y/n suddenly felt a presence beside her, and warm fingers interlaced with hers. "You ready for tomorrow?" Dream asked. Y/n nodded in response, even though she didn't have much faith in her self to be in the battlefield.

A furry warm body pressed against her other leg. Apollo licked Y/n's hand and looked up at her, giving unwavering love and support.

But she froze. "Apollo?" Y/n kneeled down the the revived dog, digging her face into his fur as tears streamed down her face.

The girl didn't have much time to mourn over her dead dog, but the fact that he was back made everything better.

"Dream... how?" Y/n choked out. Dream crouched down next to the two, and rested his hand on her back, "I asked George for a favor."

Hey... how are you guys? I hope you're doing well. I just finished school and summer has started, hopefully that will mean more writing and updates, but I can't promise you that...
haha 😅

You're not alone. Remember that. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here okay? Love you guys, I care about each of you.

Athrii <3

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