Chapter 33

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-[One Year Later]-
(Ik, crazy. But bare with me. And this is totally not becuz of lack of motivation...)

~Y/n's POV~

The arrow hit the center of the target with a satisfying thunk.


It's been a long year. I've learned a lot such as archery, combat, building and... surviving on my own. Well not completely alone...

The spring air felt wonderful against my skin. Warm but cool. It reminded me of Tubbo. He had to be eighteen now... I missed his birthday.

I missed Tommy's birthday, Wilbur's, Dream's, everyone's that lived back at home. I didn't just miss their birthdays. I missed their smiles and memories I wouldn't be apart of.

I tugged the arrow out from the makeshift target, then dropping it into my quiver that hung loosely over my shoulder.

Not much has changed over the year I've been in this secluded forest. But one of the most important changes was my eyesight.

I could see everything clearly. Just like it used to be. Colors were vibrant and texture stuck out like a sore thumb. It felt like I could finally relax without worrying about walking into things.

I entered the clearing, which stood my bungalow type house. The colors fit right in with the wooded area surrounding the house.

My house was neat and tidy and filled with all kinds of plants and flowers, but a little dusty. I should probably dust soon.

A loud bark was heard from inside the house, which caused me to subconsciously smile. My boy.

I jogged up the steps and opened the door. Apollo lunged at me, covering me in kisses and fur.

Apollo was a Belgian Malinois, and he was perfect. I found him digging through my trash, looking for food. He was too skinny to be left out in the snow, so I took him in.

"Hey baby, I missed you!" I coo'd between slobbery licks. Apollo let out happy whines and wiggled in my lap, refraining me from any personal space.

Apollo was huge, and he was only a couple of months old. Soon enough he will be kicking me off the couch, and I'm not looking forward to it.

I stood up and entered the warm house, looking back at Apollo, "C'mere boy!"

He playfully bounded into the house and followed my heels to the kitchen.

I fed Apollo and myself, one of us eating quicker than the other.

I did the dishes; setting them out to dry, and went to shower. I did my nightly routine and walked upstairs to slip into the cold sheets of my bed.

The bed soon became crowded when Apollo jumped onto of me, stepping harshly on my gut.

He thinks he owns the place.

"Apollo!" I said with a wince as one of his legs landed on my face. I immediately forgave him as he covered me in kisses.

Apollo eventually settled and I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled my face into his warm fur.

I miss Dream.

I did not just think that. No way. I think that's illegal.

I sighed, maybe I do miss him.

I exhaled heavily, a warm tear slid down my face, which I immediately wiped away.

I can't be crying, he doesn't miss you. No one does. No one ever will.

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