Chapter 46

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I'm back oof.

~3rd Person~

Y/n slid on her Netherite chest plate and strapped it into place. Her anxiety turned into a continuously growing pit mixed with regret and fear.

She was going to fight her best friends.

"Hey you okay?" Dream walked into her room with his mask in hand.

Y/n nodded, swallowing down her worries.

Dream gently tossed his mask on her bed and engulfed Y/n in a hug.

The two swayed, each enjoying the warmth the other radiated. Dream nuzzled his face in her hair and let out a contented sigh.

Y/n pulled away to look into Dream's emerald irises. "I love you."

A smile lit up on Dream's face, "I love you too, darling. Stay safe for me?"

Y/n nodded with a smile, "Of course."

But she was so happy that he finally said those three words, and she had no doubt they were true.

Y/n fell back into him, his warm arms surrounded my small figure. She laid her head against his chest enjoying the slightest bit of comfort before the chaos that would ensue.

She pulled away first to look back into his eyes. Y/n had a strange feeling come over her, it felt like regret.

Dream's face faltered; gentle hands still resting on her waist, "You okay? You seem stressed. "You're overthinking, aren't you?"

The girl laughed, tears pricking her eyes, "Why do I have to be in love with the only person who can see right through me?"

His lips curved upward, "Everything will be okay. Trust me."

For the first time, she didn't trust him.

One of his hands cupped her jaw, slowly wiping the stray tears away. Whilst the other hand rested on her hip, pulling the girl closer.

Y/n face flushed at how close they were. Her eyes scanned the freckles that lightly dusted his cheeks and nose.

"You're cute when you're flustered."

Before she could deny it, Dream rubbed his thumb over Y/n's bottom lip, "Can I?"
No matter how hard Dream tried, his eyes couldn't leave her lips.

Y/n's face exploded with color and nodded in reply. His lips met with hers.

The kiss was full of desperation and pure happiness. It was simple and sweet and full of undying love that both didn't realize.

"Woah..." Y/n gasped at the dark and threatening grids that sat menacingly above L'Manburg.

"Told you I'd get it done. You had no faith in me." Dream bragged and nudged their entwined hands on Y/n's side.

Y/n playfully shoved him in return, "You need an ego check every once in a while."

Dream rolled his eyes, but the smile refused to leave his face. He was thankful for his mask.

"They're already acting like a couple." Technoblade nudged Phil's side. Which Phil broke out into a fit of laughter and tears.

The old man's humor has and continues to confuse everyone.

"You're early!" Tommy shouted as he ran towards the group. "We still have another half-hour." Tommy bent over on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"Must've missed the memo." Technoblade checked his imaginary wristwatch.

Dream unsheathed his sword and spat, "The war starts now, go warn your pathetic friends."

'Pathetic' echoed through Y/n's head.

Y/n shook her thoughts away before they could cause an panic attack, and watched as Tommy run back towards the city center.

"Shall we?" Dream bowed and held out a hand.

Technoblade gagged at the gesture, which meant we lost Phil again to laughter.

She interlocked her arm with his as they made their approach towards the country.

A man in glistening enchanted Netherite  armor walked stiffly towards them.

"Sapnap, care to join us?" Dream offered.

A pained look was etched on Sapnap's face. He stood up straighter and crossed his wrists behind his back. "Afraid not Sir. I will be joining the other side of this war. You've taken far too many steps for yourself to handle Dream."

Dream stiffened and cleared his throat, "Very well." You could hear the surprise and anger in his voice, though he tried his hardest to suppress it.

Sapnap bowed and held out a hand towards
Y/n, his eyes never leaving hers.

Y/n, though confused; extended her hand, which allowed Sapnap to gently grab it and press a light kiss onto the tips of her knuckles, "Good luck n/n. I hope we'll continue to be friends. " He turned to the blonde and dismissed himself, "Dream."

Sapnap glanced back and forth between the two one last time before speeding off.

But in Sapnap's eyes was a peculiar feeling his couldn't quite grasp.

It was happiness, because he saw them together, but bitterness because he wasn't with them. And then an almost guilty feeling that he would have to fight the two of them.

Back then, Dream, George and Sapnap would have small quarrels with others. But recently it's gotten worse and Dream had done some horrible stuff, and that crossed the line for Sapnap, for he would fight against his best friend.

Dream's heart ached. He just lost his best friend, and it was all his fault. He was becoming greedy, and he indeed knew it. Sapnap was right, he really had taken too many steps for his own good.

But he could handle them. And that's where Sapnap was wrong. A new jolt of adrenaline and confidence coursed through his body.

"Awkward much?" Technoblade coughed out, trying to lift the tense situation, but in reality, he hated the awkward silence.

Y/n cleared her own throat and urged the group to continue walking. Once they reached outskirts, they all separated and went to their directed positions.

Dream was in charge of the grid, explosives and making sure they dropped automatically.

Y/n and Technoblade would be on the ground, fighting in close range.

Phil would be on hold and ready to spawn the Withers and let loose the hounds all at Technoblade's command.

They were ready. But L'Manburg was still scurrying around getting materials and making sure that everything was in place.

But as the four waited for the opponents, they were no where to be found.

"Wow, looks like we've already won." Y/n joked, patting the top of Apollo's head.

Technoblade readjusted his potions on his belt, "Unless that's them."

Y/n looked up towards the horizon. A group of dark silhouettes began marching their way.

Y/n unsheathed her sword as Technoblade rested his Trident on his shoulder. The irises of the latter turned to blood, completely losing all sense of the things around him.

He was born to kill. The voices would soon be pleased.

Dream stood staring at the assemblage before him with a unsettling smile.


SORRY FOR THE WAIT. Imma push myself to write. DOOMSDAY WILL BE NEXT CHAPTER I PROMISE. Also the book will be ending soon. It'll be coming to a close. I'm sorry.

Have a good day guys!
-Athrii <3

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