Chapter 43

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-[Time Skip]-

~Third Person~

"Tommy blew up the Community House."
Dream confessed. Though he lied. Dream always lied to get what he wanted. And unfortunately, he was good at it.

"No, you exiled him Dream, he's not here." Tubbo stood a little straighter.

Dream smirked under his mask of lies, "Actually you exiled him. You're own best friend," Dream rested a hand on his heart, showing fake sympathy.
"But he happened to come back to get revenge."

Tubbo's eyes fell heavy as he looked at the ground. But after a second he cleared his throat, "Show is the damage Dream."

"It would be my pleasure," Dream half-bowed at the young President, who nodded in return.

Everyone knew Dream wouldn't bow for anyone. But maybe the half-bow would be used for a smidge of giddy manipulation.

Dream led Tubbo and a small group of people who overheard the conversation between the two Presidents.

The Community House was in shambles. Water pooled out the top of the wooded structure, simulating a fountain.

The crowd gasped at the sight. No one would dare to destroy the oldest building in the nation.

Dream was one of the original builders of the house, and he would've been sad, but he had more important things to put into place.

Tubbo had a look of concern etched onto his scarred face. "Tommy was under your watch Dream."

Dream's posture became tense as he put on a facade, like he has been his entire life. "I can't babysit him all day! I have stuff to do, unlike you. All you do is hire hitmen to kill a man who hurt you ages ago!"

Dream stormed to the center of ruins, holding his hands out while doing a slow spin. "You're going to have to pay for this Tubbo."

"He's not mine to deal with! I have nothing to do with him!" Tubbo exclaimed, clearly upset he was getting blamed.

"Oh really? What about the disc? You have it. You have ties to him." Dream proved, "Show me you don't have ties by giving me this disc. Then everything will go back to normal."

Tubbo shied away, looking guilty.

"Give me the disc Tubbo." Dream demanded.
If he had both discs, he would have his land back. He would have everything he wanted.

"Wait! Don't give him the disc!" Tommy shouted.

Everyone looked around helplessly, trying to spot the young boy, but the invisibility potion hid him from view.
"I didn't blow up the Community House."

"Tommy!" Dream cackled, "this proves my point! You're not supposed to be here!"
Dream took slow steps towards Tubbo, "Disc now."

Tubbo placed an Ender Chest.

"Toby- no."
At this point Technoblade had revealed himself, and he was keeping a careful eye on the people that surrounded the three in the middle.

Tubbo opened the chest, "Tommy, Dream has a point. You're not supposed to be here."

Tommy ran and placed his invisible self between Tubbo and the Chest.
"Tommy! You've ruined this yourself!" Tubbo pushed him away.

And that threw Tommy over the edge.
"Tubbo! The discs were worth more than you ever were!" Tommy materialized right then, and everyone could see the true anger on the blonde boys features.

The silence that came after was deafening. All eyes stared down at the shattered teenagers. Their bond was once so strong, but now it lay in broken pieces.

"Give him the disc, Tubbo. I didn't mean what I said." Tommy mumbled regretfully as his eyes refused to meet his once-best friend.

The sound of the chest closed, but Dream's maniacal laugh echoed through the trashed building.

"You're an idiot. I'm more president than you! You let others push you around Tubbo!"

Tommy stood between Tubbo and Dream, staring daggers at the latter. "Don't speak to Tubbo like that!"

Dream ignored his comment and made one of his own, "Thanks to Tubbo, I have everything that I need to blow up L'Manburg."

Tommy and Tubbo both stood wide eyed,

"Techno, do you have any withers?"

Techno was torn. He tried to get Tommy out of there safely, but Tommy chose Tubbo. He always did.

A sinister grin grew on the hybrids face, "Oh you have no idea, Dream."

As the war was set into place. The crowds began to thin as they went to prepare for the biggest war to ever come.

"Dream?" Y/n spoke once it was just her and Dream standing in the midst of the destruction.

Dream refused to turn around, "I'm sorry."

Y/n made her way over to Dream and slipped her hand into his gloved one. Dream seemed startled by her action, but shifted closer to her; letting their shoulders touch.

"You're going to join Tommy, aren't you?" Dream whispered so his voice wouldn't crack. He really didn't want to fight his love on the battlefield.

Y/n squeezed his hand, "He has been through a lot. But I can't fight you." Y/n grabbed his other hand, making them face each other.
"I love you."

Y/n was surprised at her own words, but she couldn't deny them. They were true.

Dream smiled an tucked a loose hair behind her ear. Neither could hold back the blush.

Dream tugged on her hand and pulled her away from the wreckage, "Let's spend this night together?"

Y/n nodded and followed along.

Both the same worrying thoughts hid in the back of their minds.

What if one of them doesn't make through the day of war.

Also I didn't edit this one oops. Imma try and get back to writing but
Life is just hitting different yknow?

It's a dreamxreader and it's a zombie apocalypse. Y/n, sap and George live together and Y/n finds Dream and he acts like a puppy dog. He also has like a healing tooth? Ik crazy but I love that book and I've lost it, but I want to read it again. If you know that book please let me know!!!

Love you guys, still can't believe the 3k reads. It's insane
-Athrii <3

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