Chapter 27

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Ay I think I might just start writing it in 3rd person now... it's a lot easier tbh-

Dream paced.

He was dreading to talk to Y/n about the duel that was coming up in a few days.

He knew Y/n and Tommy were close, but he had to win the duel. He had to keep his land.

After the fire, both Dream and Y/n had fully recovered from the small scrapes and burns each acquired. Unfortunately, the whole house was burnt to a crisp, only remained were ashes.

Dream was furious.

He didn't care much about the house, or things that lied within it. He was mad that the fire spread a little to close to his special spot in his calm forest.

He was also upset that Tommy dared to do that to him, his friends and Y/n.

Luckily for Dream, he didn't have to make a plan to get Tommy back. Tommy already laid out the trap himself.

A duel

Between Dream and Tommy

A duel of death and independence.

Tommy wanted independence. He would do anything... just like he would do anything for Wilbur.

That was his one mistake.

A mistake that would lead to death.

"Do I shoot him Wil, or do I aim to the skies?"

A question that would lead to everything.

"Tommy, I want you to do whatever your heart says you should do."

Wilbur was seen as a peaceful and respected man. But what people didn't know, was that Wilbur was a self-centered, power hungry sociopath.

(I love wilby, this isn't what I think of him. It's part of my story's plot line, not irl)

Wilbur wanted Tommy to shoot Dream. He wanted Tommy to take the blame. He wanted The Greater Dream SMP to fall, so he would gain control of everything.

He would aim for that and nothing less.


Y/n's eyesight had been getting better. She could see pretty much everything but it was just a tad bit blurry. And she still couldn't really see faces...

At the moment, Y/n was in her room trying to paint. It wasn't working very well, it was just colors. Y/n was upset, though, this was the best her sight had gotten since the accident.

As she was stroking colors onto paper; her door opened behind her. She would know it was Dream due to his light footsteps, but these steps were surprisingly heavy.

"Y/n, what are you doing?"

She knew something was wrong, "Painting,"

Dream hummed in response, but quietly shifted from feet to feet.

Dream knew that the conversation soon to come, would destroy their relationship.


No, friendship.

"It looks good."

Y/n shifted to look at man, from what she could tell, he was wearing sweats and a black hoodie.

Y/n cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "It's just a few colors blurred together. I feel like you're lying."

Dream forced out a laugh,

"I need to talk-"

"Talk to me-"

This time, the laugh was real, "you're an idiot, you know that?"

Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. She stood up from where she was sitting and playfully pushed Dream onto her bed.

"C'MON! You got paint all over me!"

"That was the point."

They both giggled and Y/n sat next to Dream on the side of the bed, both staring out the window.

Dream was relieved that their last few moments together would be happy. But he needed to tell her, "Me and Tommy are having a duel."

Y/n tensed. She still hasn't seen Tommy since the war, and she wasn't about to lose him.

Dream slowly wrapped an arm around
Y/n's waist, but unfortunately, Y/n recoiled and stood up.

Dream knew it was a wrong move, but he didn't want to lose her, "I'm sorry."

Y/n always wanted to be close to Dream, but this was seriously the wrong time. "When is it? Am I allowed to come?"

Dream's brows furrowed together, "in a few days... do you want to come?"

Y/n didn't really know the answer. She wanted to see the L'manburgians, but she would have to see someone die.

Tommy or Dream.

One would die.

Y/n continued speaking without giving a proper answer, "Are you going to kill him?"

Now it was dreams turn not to answer. He simply didn't want to kill him, but he couldn't let them take his own land. Dream was frustrated with himself that he became so selfish, but he couldn't back down now.

"I don't want to."

Y/n turned to face him, tears pricking her eyes, "I can't bare to see either of you die."

Dream's heart melted. That small sentence meant a lot to him. Dream decided that he would shoot, injure and not let Y/n see someone die.

It was perfect.


[Time Skip a few days]

It was the day of the duel.

Dream and Y/n were walking side-by-side towards the embassy. Followed by George, Sapnap, Punz and Eret.

Both Y/n and Dream were nervous. Unlike Y/n though, Dream was confident.

Images of death played in Y/n's head, and she was beginning to regret coming to witness it.

Once the group reached their destination, Y/n immediately locked eyes with Tubbo.

Both ran and met in the middle with a hug. Tears streamed down both smiling faces. The rest of L'Manburg joined the hug.

A familiar hot breath laid on her neck causing a shiver. Then came a low whisper that was only heard by her.


Y/n knew it was Wilbur.

Maybe Dream wasn't lying about Wilbur trying to kill her...

Soon Sapnap pulled her away and led her to the rest of the group.

Only just then did Y/n notice the blur of Dreams mask. Before she was done looking at it, Dream grabbed her arm and pulled her behind a nearby building.

"Stay on our side of the path, alright? I don't want to get hit by possible crossfire."

Y/n stared at where his face would be and nodded slowly.

Dream lifted his mask and kissed Y/n's forehead and then pulled her back to the group before either of them could of registered what happened.

Both Dream and Tommy took their spots on the prime path. Y/n was left flustered.

Sapnap leaned and whispered in her ear, "Did he finally do it?"

Y/n didn't have to respond, the count down had already begun.

Sorry for the wait! I'm struggling a bit atm. But hopefully I'll do better and start prewriting a bit
I wish you all the best
-Athrii <3

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