Chapter 51

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Eheh I drew that^

~3rd person~

Pain was the first thing she expected to feel, but that was not the case.

It all felt warm, fuzzy and muffled. It was more of an uncomfortable warmth, like your sleeping during a humid night; where it's too hot for a blanket, but you need a blanket to sleep.

But Y/n pleaded for that sleep. But the muggy night prevented her to rest.

She felt lost. Completely forgetting where she was or how she got there.


"Y/n, baby. Wake up please." Dream screamed into the night, holding the girl in his arms.

Blood blossomed out of her chest, it flowed, creating pretty patterns and paths down her body.

Y/n coughed up warm blood as she tried to sit up. Dream held her close to his warm and comforting chest, where Y/n wished she could be for all eternity.

The all-to-familiar red substance dribbled out Y/n's mouth, "D-Dream? I-I don't f-feel so g-ood."

Her broken body collapsed in Dreams arms.

That one sentence broke Dream. More than any other thing he has ever heard.

It's because he knew he couldn't do anything to help her. He gave his last totem to her during the execution. He felt useless, the first time he ever has. And it felt horrible.

Death was inevitable.

'You could revive her.'

That had already crossed his mind multiple times within these few crucial moments. But something deep inside told him if he did choose to revive her, something would be worse.

What was that something? He didn't know.

But his surmise would be the Voices. Her Voices would get worse.

Trepidation was settling in his bones. He couldn't do that. Not to her.


It began to feel a little cooler, just maybe cold enough for Y/n to pull that blanket over her and she could finally give in to that much needed sleep.


"Y/n-n stay with me p-please." Dream sobbed, he wasn't ready to let her go.

Y/n's breath was getting shallower by every second that quickly ticked by. Dream pulled her to him, and cradled her body as if it was a doll.

He was gentle and watchful of the arrow protruding from her heart.

Dream placed a shaky, but the most meaningful kiss onto Y/n's lips,
"P-please don't go."

She exhaled.

And she could finally pull that warm, fuzzy blanket over her head and rest her eyes.


(I AM NO DOCTOR. Events in this are NOT fact-checked.)

She inhaled.

The smell of chemicals and bleach stung her nose as she breathed it in.

It'd felt like centuries since she last took a breath. And it felt nice. Peaceful would be a better way to describe it. Breathtaking, even though it was her first breath.

"She's awake." A sweet and gentle voice filled the room.

But soon it was interrupted by a scruffy frantic tone, "That's impossible, it would have to be a miracle, Caroline."

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