Chapter 2

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~Clay's POV~

Not on speaking terms? With her mom?What happened? I felt like something was off. You could faintly hear her the panic in her voice.
"Y/n is everything ok?"

"Yeah we're...yep I'm good. Everything is fine."

If you couldn't hear the panic before, you could definitely hear it now. You could practically hear her shaking. I didn't want to bother her about it, even though I really wanted to comfort her.

"Ok guys we will talk about this later, good night."

Y/n left the call first. I took this opportunity to just have a chat with the boys.
"Wait don't leave let. Can we talk?"

George let out inaudible noises, he was probably half asleep.
Sapnap replied, "Is it about Y/n?"

I sighed, "Yeah, I wasn't the only one who hear the stutter right?"

George didn't respond, he was already passed out. Since Sapnap's face cam was on, he gave a sad nod,

"I hope she's doing alright."

I gave a worried nod, even though Nick couldn't see me, "Yeah I hope she is too."


~Clay's POV~

I texted her immediately asking if she was okay.

No response.

I brushed it off, she could just be away from her phone. After 20 minutes I texted her again telling her I was sorry.

Still no response.

I tried to calm myself down, it didn't work. I began pacing across my bedroom floor.
"I hurt her, I didn't mean to, what's wrong with me?" My mind began rushing to the worst scenarios. I know it was only 7:00pm but I couldn't think of anything else to do but sleep.

I texted her one last time, hoping she would respond, hoping she would be okay. I quickly undressed and took a shower, hoping I haven't missed her text. After the shower I threw on a plain black T-shirt and some red plaid pants. I practically ran to my side table, where my phone was plugged in. I picked it up and turned it on.

No recent notifications

I couldn't tell if I was relieved or disappointed. I really wanted her to text, but I wanted to be there when she did. I put my phone face down on the side table, and stared at it. Not a second later, it buzzed.

A miracle happened, she responded.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. And picked up my phone and read it. Her text was short, not giving me much information but now I would be able to sleep. At least I thought so.

I've never typed as fast in my life, and sent it to her. I climbed into bed and tried to get some sleep, but one thought kept me up all night,

Why was Y/n not communicating with her mom?

Ooh...nice. Y'all be better thankful coz Dre povs are rare in this book, be happy Anyways don't be like Dream, and go get some sleep :D

-Athrii <3

(502 words)

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