Chapter 52.5: Technoblade Memorial

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I think I'm going crazy. ^

This chapter is canonical to this book.

"Y/n." Technoblade breathed out as he saw her limp body in the arms of Dream.

Breathing became harder as a lump formed in his throat.

His heart pumped in his throat and blood rushed through his ears, making it near impossible to hear anything around him.

He sprinted towards the two.

He then collapsed on his knees in front of them and put his shaky hand on her warmth-lacking cheek.

The voices had gone still. As if holding their breaths. His head felt empty at the lack of screaming and taunts.

"I-I'm sorry." Dream sobbed, "I failed" his mask was now off for the world to see. Everyone could now see how broken he was on his scarred face.

Technoblade dragged his sisters dead body to his own lap and pulled her into a hug.

It was the best hug he had ever given. And it would've been the best hug Y/n would've ever received.

Technoblade gently laid his sister back onto the bloody dirt, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Technoblade then stood up and held out a hand to Dream, who sat there numbly staring at his forever lost princess.

Though forever wasn't the right word. She would always be there.

Just like Technoblade, who would soon pass after taking an arrow to the heart, trying to avenge Y/n.

But that was a worry for the future.

Currently, Dream grasped Technoblade's hand and allowed the latter to drag him away from the battlefield. Leaving his princess behind.

Technoblade learned something that day.

"Look around at the other people in your life and tell them you care. Show them ever single day, as much as you can. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed, but the moment you're in is. Take each moment and live it to the fullest."

It's about to get really cringey. So that quote is actually from another Minecraft roleplay from 2017. 'Glenwood Prep' by AviatorGaming.

I thought it fit this, especially after the devastating news. I know I already published my regards to Techno, but I felt the need to publish this canonical chapter dedicated to Technoblade.

As I've said before, I'm taking a much needed break. Sleep just doesn't hit right anymore.

Please stay safe guys, and tell people you love them.

I love you.

I'll see you guys when we meet again.


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