Chapter 3

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~Y/n's POV~

I woke up to my phone buzzing, it was Sapnap. He was sending me some random Minecraft memes. And I still don't know how he is a popular streamer, but you can't help but love him. I tell him thank you, and good morning. He replies with his own 'good morning'.

I roll out of bed and quickly take a shower, and pull on a hoodie and leggings. Right as I get the hoodie over my head, someone knocks at my door.

I was expecting any company...

I pull the door open and a young man is standing on the other side. He looks around my age, maybe a little older. He smiles at me and says, "Hi, I'm Alec. I moved in right next door, I just thought I should introduce myself." I immediately smile and stick out a hand, and we shake. He's wearing on a red long-sleeved sweater and some dark jeans. "It's nice to see a new face on the street! I'm Y/n, do you want to come inside, I can make some tea?"

What was I thinking letting a random stranger into my house, but surely enough I step aside to let him in. He smiles, "That would be nice. Are you sure I'm not intruding, I don't want to bother-"
I cut him off,
"Of course not, I'm the one who asked you."

He nods and steps inside, I take him to the kitchen and he takes a seat on the island. I grab a kettle and begin filling it up with water.

"So Alec, where are you from?"
He clears his throat, "I'm from Portsmouth."
I nod my head in response, "What brings you out here to Oxford?"

(A/n: ayo I'm American. I don't know UK geography. Don't hate me if I messed something up, coz I probably did. Haha...oops-)

He hesitates and comes up with answer, "Um work, I got a new job."

I can hear the lie slip through his teeth.

I turn my attention away from the kettle to look at Alec.
"You're a bad liar."
His face heats up and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

After a minute of silence, the kettle wheezes.

It kinda sounds like Dream-

Ugh what am I thinking.
I take the kettle off of the burner and pour it into two mugs.


I hand him his tea and lean against the counter facing directly in front of him.
"Ok mister 'I got a new job' what do you do for work?"
He huffs and raises his hands in defense, "Ok you caught me."

I giggle, celebrating my win,
"I knew it."
He shakes his head smiling and brings the mug to his lips to take a sip.

Is that blush?

"So wanna tell me why your really here?"
I say stretching the word 'really'.
His once existent smile vanishes completely. Which makes me immediately feel guilty.
"Sorry, this isn't my business. You don't-"
"No no, it's ok. I know I shouldn't be telling my life problems to a girl I just met but-"

I cut him off, I know it was stupid to invade his privacy, "Alec I know. I'm sorry. Let's just-"

He cuts me off, wow what's up with us not letting each other speak?

"I trust you."

My eyebrows raise, giving him a confused look. We sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds before I speak,
"Alec...why? Why do you trust me so quickly?"

He shakes his head, "I'm sorry this is gonna sound stupid, but...something clicked. Between you and me. It's like we were meant to become friends."
He looks down the entire time he talks, fiddling with his hands. At first he was nervous just about saying a few words but now they won't stop coming out.

"This is all new to me, I'm sorry I-I can just go. You're the only friend- only friend I have, are we even friends? Are we? Is this- is this too early? Am I being to pushy? It's been s-so s-so long. W-why-"

His hands are tugging at his hair, and he's shaking tremendously. Not to mention the uneven breaths and the stuttering. The shaking almost causes him to fall off the stool he's seated in.

I grab his forearm making him look at me. It takes a few seconds for him to lock eye contact with me. His warm chocolate eyes are clouded with anxiety. His eyes begin to become puffy and red.

I've had many panic attacks, but this one is different. He has someone to help him.

"Alec. I need you breathe with me."
I gently make him release his hands from his hair and I hold his wrists in my hands, making him keep eye contact. My sleeves drop, exposing by bruised wrists, but I didn't notice. We breathe together until Alec is calm. We sit in silence listening to our steady breaths. I see him glance down at my wrists, and I see what he's looking at.

I immediately pull my hands away and pull my sleeves down. I keep my eyes focused on my hands which lay in my lap.

"Thank you"

I almost missed it, his voice was so quiet.
"I'm just glad I could help."
I say matching the low volume.

"I'm sorry"

I look at him and smile, "There's no need to be sorry, I'm here, everything is okay,"

A smile grows slowly across his face, but immediately disappears, "I don't know what got over me. I've just had a rough life. Sorry I don't want to be 'that friend' that tells you all of their problems."

"Im here to listen. Sometimes being a good friend is just to listen."

I have never seen so much joy in someone's eyes before.

Ooh? Alec aye, seems like a good kid right?? And a rough backstory. We may get to learn about that soon..?
Slep good plz u need it :)

AND HOLY! 15 PEOPLE HAVE READ MY CRAPPY STORY. dang- I didn't expect this to get that many reads. Thank you so much!

(1035 words)

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