Chapter 7

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Sorry in advance...:(

~Clay's POV~

I couldn't sleep. It was currently 1am. I decided to call George, it was 4am there, but I needed someone to talk to.

( is that time difference right? Pfft- idk)

I ring his phone, and he picks up almost immediately.

"Clay, listen to me. Don't freak out."

George sounded horrible. His voice breaking and the incredibly noticeable tired voice.

Freak out about what?



"George what happened!?" I yell. My mind races to the worst possible scenarios.

George's voice breaks my thoughts. I can hear him sniffling,

"Clay...I-I..her heart. It st-stopped. Brain damage. She's was transported to the emergency hospital. P-please come down Clay. I-I don't know if..."

I knew how the end of the sentence was supposed to end. But I didn't want it to be true.

My phone fell onto the floor with a clatter. My mind stopped, in fact, my whole world stopped. One of the things I loved the gone. The thing that kept my world spinning. The thing that I would do anything for.

The girl.

I couldn't feel anything, at least not anymore. My whole body was numb. I was most likely shaking uncontrollably, but I couldn't tell. My legs subconsciously took me to my desk and I logged into Twitter.

Top posts.

Ieatwat3rm3lon4fun: is Dream in the UK to visit Y/n?? No wonder they haven't been online

Y/nxDre: YOOO WILL HE CONFESS TO HER? tru that makes sense why she isn't online.

Racooninnit10: yeah! hope she's ok

Its sad that they are right. I will be visiting her, and I will confess, but she may not be alive to hear it.

~George POV~

I decided to stay at her place, just to make sure she's alright. I glanced at my phone it was 3:30am, and I had a feeling to go check on y/n. I got up and went to her room and knocked.

There was no answer. She was probably still asleep. I entered the silent room. She was still, laying in the same position as I put her in.

She looked peaceful, nothing out of the ordinary. Except for her slightly blue lips and paler skin than normal.

I froze.

But my body took control again and ran to the her bedside. I searched for a pulse.


The world stopped.

The silence became deafening.

She was gone.

I couldn't breathe.

I shot up from my position on the uncomfortable chair. Sweat dripping off my forehead. My heart was thumping and I couldn't control my shaking. My lungs coughed out air. Then I took in my surroundings, I was in some sort of waiting room. It kinda looked like a hospital-

That wasn't a dream..?

I opened the door to reveal a hallway. A woman exited from a few doors down and saw me. I ran to her and tried to get answers, "Where's Y/n?! Is she okay?
She cut me off.
"Sir, I need you to wait, she's in very critical condition." She pushed me back into my room before I could say something.

My body wasn't ready for the sudden decline of adrenaline.

I passed out.

Oof sorry, idk waht to say...

(543 words)

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