Chapter 41

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~3rd Person~

The iron bars glistened in the evening sun.
In L'Manburg Quackity and Fundy bound up Y/n's wrists and held her by her biceps. She was dragged towards execution device; she hoped her death would be fast, not painfully slow.

Y/n saw the stage, iron bars and wood. An anvil sat 20 meters above the cage. But it was who was already in the bars that made her freeze.

(65.6ft for my fellow Americans)

It was Technoblade. The butcher army took her compass to find the 'criminal' The Blood God.

Y/n kept telling herself she wasn't scared, but it was a lie. Death scared her. Maybe she was scared of seeing the life drain out of someone she loves eyes.

For the first time, she was shaking. The thought of her bloody mutilated corpse staining the cage shook her to her core.

Technoblade was drenched in blood, but per usual most of the blood wasn't his. Techno smiled at the sight of the girl. Techno was relieved that she wasn't hurt, but soon she would be. But Technoblade isn't going to let that happen. He had a plan.

"Techno!" Y/n screamed. She couldn't bare to watch the death of her brother.

"Everything will be okay," Techno responded, "I'll get us out of here."

Quackity snorted beside the girl, "You're gonna die for your crimes Technoblade."

Techno gripped the totem in his bound wrists and smiled, "I never die Quackity."

Quackity laughed and walked towards the trapped Techno, leaving Y/n in Fundy's grasp. Quackity gripped the bars of the cage til his knuckles turned white. He then spat, "How bout we let Y/n die first aye?" A sinister smile crept onto his lips, "how does that sound Techno?"

Technoblade's eyes widened, only he had a totem of undying to protect him from death.
Y/n would ultimately die.

"That sounds like a great idea Big Q." Tubbo said strolling onto the stage, his lips pursed in a tight line.

Quackity unlocked the cage and pulled the pleading Technoblade out, "Please let me die first, c'mon Quackity."

"Throw her in," Quackity said harshly, ignoring Techno's pleas.

Fundy sighed, but obeying and locking Y/n in. Y/n zoned out, thinking of all the things she wished she could do.

She wished see could see Tommy, Sapnap, George and Dream again. Just to say goodbye.

But there was one thing she was excited about, seeing Apollo again. Y/n knew he didn't make it, and she accepted it.

"Y/n is sentenced to death, for housing an enemy. Avoiding prosecution and resisting arrest—"

Tubbo kept talking, while Techno was shouting.

But Y/n's eyes focused on the anvil which was only held by a thin ope. Any moment the rope would be cut, and the anvil would come down and crush her and she would leave this life.


~Y/n's POV~

I snapped my head towards the commotion. Punz stood tall with an axe in hand and dynamite in the other.

I know me and Punz weren't in good terms when I left, but this all seemed like a set up, a distraction.

"Punz! What are you-" yelling and chaos erupted. Everything was so loud, swords crashing against another, screams and potions filling the air. But one yell stuck out.

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