Chapter 5

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~Y/n POV~

"Clay, no no no no-"

Clay ignores me, "2nd and 3rd week of September"

Sapnap lets out the most deafening scream I've ever heard,


Two full weeks living in the same area with three toddlers. It couldn't get any better.

George screams back, and his accent comes out stronger, "SAPNAP SHUT UP!"

Dream lets out his signature wheeze. All while I'm in shock. I lean against the back of my chair, staring up at my very boring ceiling.

Nick and George are throwing insults left and right while Clay is in the middle laughing.

It all hits me at once. This is too much. In 3 weeks I'm flying across the ocean to see my friends. My mom is trying to take advantage of me. My cat. College. Work. Streams. Alec.


The thoughts come in faster than I can handle. I tear my eyes away from the ceiling and down to my monitor.

The sound of the chaos ringing in my ears, slowly begins to fade out. And their pictures become fuzzy. I glance around the room, the colors blend into each other and everything is blurry. Silence surrounds me, all but one thought.

You're not good enough for him.

I've always liked him, a little more that like.

Now he wants me to fly over too him, what if it's awkward?

What if he doesn't like me?

'You're not good enough for him.'

The thought overlaps itself. My hands reach up and tug at my hair. Trying to ease the noise. I claw at my neck and face, urging the thought to leave. If anything, it makes it worse. The noise is deafening, and the screams get louder. It's was getting harder and harder to breathe. I tried to scream, but no sounds come out.


I glance around my desk. Looking for something to release the immense pain. My eyes stop on a boxcutter. I used it to open up my new side table I bought a few weeks ago. I scramble to pick up the blade. I push the notch up which also pushes the blade up.
It's taunting shininess mesmerizes me.

I slide my thumb across it's sharp edge. Immediately drawing blood. The voices begin to relax.


My shaky hands slowly reach up and pull the headphones off and lay them on my desk. I pull myself up and out of the chair and I make one step before everything goes black.

I should of stayed seated.


~George POV~


What was that?


"Sapnap shut up, did you guys hear that?"

Nick and Clay reply at the same time, "What?"

"It was a loud thud. Y/n, did you hear it?"


"Did she fall asleep?" Sapnap asks dumbfounded.

Clay says in a serious tone, "No Sapnap, it's only 5pm there, she shouldn't be asleep."

"Maybe a rough day at work?" Sapnap tries again.

"Nope, she doesn't work today."

The only other thing that could of happened hits me, "Did she pass out?"

"Great job Clay, you made the girl faint by buying plane tickets." Sapnap says jokingly.

Dreams voice drops, "That's not funny, she could be hurt. What if-"

"I can drive over there." I offer. "Just to make sure she's alright."

Clay doesn't hesitate, "Yes, go now. Keep me- i uh, updated."

I ignore his stutter, me and Sap both know he likes Y/n, and he's probably just worried about her. I leave the call and grab my keys. I begin driving.

[Time skip to arrival]

~George POV~

I scan through my keys to find hers. I'm very grateful I have a key to her house. I often come over to feed her cat when she's out for a weekend or just needs a break from life. I push the key in and it clicks. I push the door open and go inside.

"Y/n!?" I yell throughout the house.

The place is eerily quiet.

I run up the stairs, almost tripping on a few. I go to her recording room door and knock. "Y/n? Can I come in?"


"Y/n? I'm coming in." I slowly push the door open. And there she is, on the floor passed out.

Oof poor y/n. Hope their doing alright...
Go eat you water and drink you food coz you need it freakin live bro. Good? Got it. K so imma sleep. You should too. Love you guys. Stay healthy <3

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