Chapter 20

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~Sapnap's POV~

"Dream, can I come in?"

He hummed in response.

I entered and shut the door quietly behind me. Dream sat at his desk looking at some
unknown text.

"Did you talk some sense into her? Did you show her the consequences of not obeying?"
His tone was a little more impatient than angry.

"That's what I came to talk to you about."
I said walking over to sit on the foot of his bed.

"If she's not listening, and complaining about how her living quarters look, then tell me. I will go have a nice chat with her."
He picked up a butterfly knife and began twirling it around.

"That's the thing Dream, she can't."

Dream stopped playing with the knife and chuckled, "what?"

I walked over to him, and spun his chair so he was facing me, "Dream, she can't see."

Dream let out a wheeze, "she got you too! Didn't she? Pretending with the bandages and what not." He returned to his knife.

I grabbed the knife, Dream looked at me annoyed, "Dream. She is literally blind! Come see for yourself!"

Dream scoffed but followed me out the door and up the stairs to Y/n's quarters.

I knocked, "Hey Y/n? It's Sap! Can I come in?"


We entered, I motioned Dream to stay silent, which he did.

"Hi Y/n. How are you?" I said nonchalantly.

She sighed, 'looking' at us.
"I'm still exhausted, but I can't really sleep."

I nodded, and stole a glance at Dream. He seemed... sad, worried and a little guilty. His eyes never fail to tell the truth, that might be why he wears his mask.

"That surprises me," I said, "You we're out for 3 days."

Both me and Dream saw her stiffen.
"3 days?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah," I replied slowly, but decide to change the subject, "Y/n, you should eat, Dream wants to train you."

"Not hungry" she mumbles, "And why? We're on opposite sides?"

I actually don't know, it is a little weird that Dream is so adamant about training her. I look at Dream for answer, but he nods his head. Which I have no idea what that symbolizes.

"Just eat, okay?"

She doesn't obey. That causes Dream to silently walked over to her.
I don't know how he does it, but he never makes a sound when he walks.

"Sap? Who's in front of me?" She asks worryingly.

"So you can see? Liar." Dream states smugly. But worry flashes over he features as he quickly puts on his mask.

Y/n deadpans, "No, it's called spatial awareness. Dream why are you here?"

Her remark stunned Dream, making him feel stupid.  But I let out a laugh, making
Y/n giggle along with me.

We stood there just giggling like children, while Dream took off his mask and sent me annoyed glares.

Our laughter died down and Dream spoke, "Y/n we help you adjust to your new... flaw. Then we will begin training."

~Y/n's POV~

-A few days later-

"And that's your room!" Sapnap said excitedly. He guided me around my room, letting me get used to my surroundings, while Dream watched.

I found out I had a desk, a window, and my on suite bathroom. Which is very exciting if you ask me, it was nothing like L'manburg.

He showed me the house, well at least all things that were on limits. Then Dream strictly showed me where was off limits, which I didn't pay much attention to.

After a few stumbles and broken objects, I somewhat new my way around the house.

Heading up and down the stairs was a struggle. I decided to head back to my room. I tripped only to be caught by strong arms.

"Be careful" Dream said quietly in my ear. My face flushed, I was sure of it.

I could hear his smile, "Don't want you breaking something important in this house"

I scoffed, "Yeah I'm more worried about expensive objects than myself as well."

As I continued to stumble up the stairs, Dream steadied me. One warm hand on hand on my lower back and the other guiding me. I didn't need his help, but it was nice to know that someone was there.

I reached my room and entered.
"Thanks Dream."

Dream replied, "Yeah no problem. Is it a good time for the medicine?"

I sat down on my bed confused, "What medicine?"

"For your eyes, idiot" He mumbled the last word, but I heard it.

I giggled to mask my embarrassment, "Uh, yeah sure!"

Footsteps were heard, and he left to get the medicine, but I needed to say something to him.

"Ugh, yeah?" His footsteps stopped.

"Thanks, for saving me from the explosion." He honestly didn't deserve it, because he's a jerk. But he saved me, just like Wilbur did.

He footsteps drew closer, and stopped at my doorframe.
We stood there in silence which felt like an eternity.

Dream stuttered on his words, "I, um, yeah you would've bled out if I didn't find you."

"Thank you."

Im sorry about not updating, school just started up again. Anyways I hope you had a wonderful new year!! And I hope that this year you will accomplish everything your heart desires! You guys are great! Thanks for the 350 reads I can't thank you enough!


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