Chapter 25

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haha... an update

~3rd Person~

"Light it, Tommy."

"Wilbur, this is morally wrong." Tommy whispered to the eldest, which in return shouted at him. Trying his best to make Tommy feel bad, "You feel bad for the enemy?"

Anger boiled inside Tommy, he wasn't at all sorry for Dream, but he couldn't hurt

"But what if she's in there Wilbur?" Tommy retorted.

Wilbur rolled his eyes at the blond, obviously annoyed. "I saw them take her somewhere else. She's not here Tommy, now light it."

Wilbur lied. In fact, he knew for sure she was in there, but he needed Dream to fall. Why not take Y/n down as well?

With a scrape of steel, the wood lit. A spark a turned into a flame. And then the duo ran, but Tommy caught one last sight of the chaos he just caused. He inhaled, realizing that if he got caught, he wouldn't see the light of day. He regretted it. But he needed acceptance from Wilbur, and he would do anything to make Wilbur proud. Even burning down the enemies house.

~Dream's POV~

Branches grabbed at my legs as I ran through the thick forest. I need to save her. As I reached the clearing, the whole house was engulfed in smoke. I didn't have time to waste, I ran to the door. A hand had wrapped around my arm before I entered. I turned around to face Eret. His expression was serious, "She's not worth it Dream, when are you going to realize it?"

I shook his hand off; I didn't care what he said. I was going to save her, even if that meant risking my own life.

I burst through the smoke filled house and made my way to her room. I pulled my shirt up to my nose to try and not inhale the suffocating smoke.

I entered her room only to find her on the floor, passed out. I ran to her limp body and checked her vitals. She was breathing, barely.

Then it got hotter.

The door I entered through was engulfed in flames. If I stood there for any longer, I would have gotten seriously burnt. I picked
Y/n up, and took her as far as I could from the ever growing flames in the entry way. I sat huddled in a corner with a passed-out Y/n on my lap.

I would have exited through the window, but the drop is far down, and Y/n needs to be conscious.

Water flowed down my cheeks, I don't know if it was tears or the smoke making my eyes water. I noticed two of my t-shirts on the dresser next to me; they would have to do. I grabbed them, tying one around Y/n's mouth and nose, then put the other on mine, they would serve as a mask to keep us from breathing in the smoke.

The fire began to lick the walls, and they were creeping closer. I pulled her closer to my chest, trying to keep her from the unforgiving flames.

I inhaled smoke, causing me to cough. My eyes were watering, and my vision was going hazy. The lack of oxygen to my brain caused me to feel lightheaded and dizzy. I could feel my body slowly shutting down, I don't think I could keep my eyes open much longer. I fought my eyes open, but my strength gave out.

I passed out.


It couldn't have been that long, minutes at most, because I woke back up with the flames still causing destruction. It wasn't the flames or the heat that woke me up, it was the loud banging on the door, well whatever was left of the door.

The door fell and emerged Sapnap. I sighed out of relief. Sapnap couldn't get burned, he's a fire-borne. But most importantly, he came to save us.

"Dream give me her, I'll carry her. So you can focus on walking." He said with his palms extended towards me.

I shook my head; I don't know if it was my foggy brain making me selfish, or maybe holding her was giving me comfort.

Sapnap gave me a sad half smile. It was either respect or admiration, perhaps both.

Sapnap led us out of the house safely, I stumbled quite a few times due to dizziness, but it felt good to breathe fresh air. The air mixing with the smoke already in my lungs, caused me to release a coughing fit.

I looked down at the sleeping girl, resting peacefully in my arms. She had smudges of ash on her face and arms, but she looked unharmed. I don't know what I would do if I lost her.

"Hey are you okay?"

George was standing next to me, checking my vitals and the minor scratches and burns received.

"George, I'm fine. Check Y/n, she was in there longer."

"Okay, can I take her?" I was hesitant, but reluctantly handed her to George. George held her gingerly and went over to a medical tent that was just set up. Sapnap wrapped an arm around my shoulders, guiding me to a spot of unburnt grass.

Sapnap helped me wrap my hands and forearms that began to slightly blister due to the minor burns. After, Sapnap walked away to go talk to the small group of people that stood nearby looking at the embers that remained of the fire.

One man stood among the rest, one with a malicious smile on his face. The warm glow of the embers reflected off his eyes. The man turned, and his eyes locked onto mine. The man was Wilbur.

He disappeared into the forest.

Another among the crowd was a girl I've never seen before. She had long blonde hair, paired with a L'Manburgian suit.

Man, they've already replaced her.

The girl smiled at me and began to walk towards me. A fluffy brown object rested in her hands. She sat down next to me and held the object out, "She's lucky."

The object moved. It was Patches.

I grabbed Patches and hugged her to my chest. Her fur smelled of ash, but I dug my face into her fur anyway. Patches rubbed against me and began to purr. Patches then left my arms to go to the girls', as if Patches was thanking her.

"I'm Niki by the way."

"Thank you Niki, thank you."

Maybe I was wrong about her.

A few hours later, I was able to go and see Y/n. She was luckily unharmed, and I was overjoyed at that outcome. The happy feeling didn't last for long, though.

"It has got to be Tommy. He has the motivation; he has reason to burn it down."

Sapnap might be right, "He wouldn't do that to Y/n though, he cares about her."

And I care too.

Sorry for the wait, I have so much homework. I hope you all have a fablioso day!

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