Chapter 40

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I drew some sad fanart...
Kinda relate >w<

~Y/n's POV~

It's been three days since I left, me and Apollo occasionally stopped to rest and eat. I felt exhausted and was constantly worrying about others recognizing me. What would I do?

Though my spirits were down, Apollo's happy prancing made me smile.
I lifted my head and saw the early morning sun rising over a beautiful city.

It was unrecognizable, it had grown and completely changed since I was last here.

The sun-kissed wooded path felt almost magical to walk on. I skipped through the seemingly silent city. Sadly, my fun was cut short, voices began to echo off the surrounding houses.

I crouched behind a wooden beam, close enough to head but far enough to not get caught. At least I thought.

Rough hands gripped my shoulders and threw me to the floor. Pain shot up my back, that was definitely gonna bruise.

A male with a beanie and a sword held at his side stood above me, anger glinting in his eyes. His foot dug into my gut and I could feel bile rising up my throat.

"Tubbo! I found a scrounger!"
Tubbo? He's going to save me from this uncivil fool.

"Big Q-" Tubbo and another who I have never seen before rounded the corner. Tubbo wore an expensive looking suit, shiny badges covering his sleeves.

The other male had a define line running vertically down his skin. The line separated the colors of his skin, black and white. He was also wearing a suit, lower class though.

Tubbo shuffled and stood up straighter, but didn't seem to recognize me. "State your business."

I threw off the beanie man's foot and rolled back, gaining some distance. As I faced the three, a cool metal sword rested against the base of my neck.
"Don't move."

I gasped, not by the surprise attack, but the voice...

"Fundy, nice of you to join us." Tubbo said with a smirk, "Remove her mask."

Before I could speak, the kerchief was laying on the floor. I felt all eyes on me.

A gasp was heard from behind me, "Y/n?"

I sighed, "Hello Fundy, funny seeing you here."

Fundy dropped his sword and pulled me into a hug. He had grown so much, but our hug was cut short by a cough.

Tubbo frowned, anger filled his gaze. "Fundy she is no longer a friend, she is an enemy. Better treat her as one."

Fundy stiffened an returned his sword to my neck, "sorry" he whispered in my ear.

The tall multi-skinned male asked sheepishly, "What are we going to do with her?" Tubbo smiled maliciously and began to circle me and Fundy.

"She has something that we want." Tubbo stopped directly in front of us, "A way to Technoblade."



Apollo sprung from the shrubs and lunged at the beanie man, teeth sinking into his calf. A scream exited the male and he tried to pry the dog off of him.

Tubbo landed a hard kick into Apollo's side, causing him to yelp and fall to the floor, not having energy to get up. "Don't hurt him!" I screamed, tears pricking my eyes.

From where I stood, I could tell Apollos breaths were labored. Blood was pooling around his stomach and muzzle.
I prayed some of the blood was the beanie man's. But I didn't have the chance to find out.

With a firm nod from Tubbo, and another mumbled "sorry" from Fundy, the world went black.

My whole body ached, but my head was throbbing with pain. But through my blurred sight, I took in my surroundings. It was a cement room, completely empty besides a pillow. Thick iron bars obstructed my exit, across from where I sat, was an iron door.

I tried to stand and walk to test the strength of the bars, but my head burned. It felt like my skull had been run over and then crushed by an anvil. I collapsed onto the cold, hard floor, ultimately causing more pain to shoot through my veins.

The door opened with a squeak, and the two-toned man peeked in, "Y/n? That's what Tubbo told me. Well anyway-" his voice was growing more anxious by the second. His voice sped up and became a jumbled mess, "-I hate to tell you this, but your being executed. It's sad since maybe in another world we would've been friends and we could-"

He stopped. His green and red eyes widened is realization. He turned to look behind him, anxiety becoming very noticeable; he began to twitch and play with his hands.

This time he left and brought back a tray into the cold room and shut the door quietly. He stepped forward with the thin plastic blue tray.

He shifted the tray into one hand while he fiddled with a set of keys, once he found the one he was looking for; he stuck it into the door that connected my room to the other. He walked in and carefully put the tray down, "Sorry, this was all I could sneak from the kitchen. And please forget what I told you... I wasn't meant to let that slide."

I pushed myself into a sitting position, a heavy migraine returned due to my movement. I winced, grasping my head.

The males voice sounded concerned, "Um if you want, I know it's already cold down here, but maybe rest your head against the bars or floor. The coldness might ease the pain... Im sorry-"

"It's okay," I smiled through the killer headache, "you've done enough for me, thanks." The man bittersweetly smiled back, and with a huff, he stood and he left.

The silence gave me sometime to think. I've hurt Tubbo... therefore he's gonna hurt me.




Oh right, kill me. He's going to execute me.
I sighed and leaned back against the chilling concrete wall.
He was right, the coldness helped.

I wonder what Technoblade and Tommy are doing. I wonder what George and Sapnap are doing, do they miss me? Tubbo sure didn't...

How is Apollo... before I knew it tears pooled out my eyes like a waterfall. I didn't have the energy to fight the tears or the voices that would soon be chanting degrading things. For the first time I let them consume me.


You're the most Useless person on this planet

You deserve to rot in this concrete cell

Except that I won't. I'm going to be executed.
The door got thrown open. The man known as 'Big Q' stood with a smirk, "Y/n. I have something to show you."

Bring it on death. I don't fear you.

HEYO! I hope you all take a chance to relax and fix your mental health. Because I've realized how much I've been lacking, and i don't want anyone to feel that way. It sucks, and promise it lift up, even though it doesn't feel like it will. I can only hope the best for you.

Thanks guys! Luv ya!
-Athrii <3

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