Chapter 8

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Hol up- IS THAT MY FIRST VOTE??? tbh I don't know much about votes but- STILLL THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <333
shout out to @Theahachuu
I think I might pass away. Tysm!!

~George POV~

I awoke to a loud bang on the door behind me.
My eyes were blinded by the lights above me. I looked at the clock, 3:12pm

I was out for 8 hours.

(I know that that may not be realistic but I really don't care, fight me...haha jk please don't. I would lose. love you.)

A knock startled me. I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I opened the door only to be met with a pair of emerald eyes.

(For plot reasons that I don't have planned yet, George hasn't seen Dream's face ok)

The man in front of me looked like he hasn't slept in weeks. He has dark bags that hung under his eyes and his blonde hair was sticking out in every direction possible. He had freckles littering his face, and he held a green carry-on suitcase behind him.

Before I could finish taking in his features, he embraced me.

"I-um excuse me?" I had no idea who this guy was, and I'd rather not be hugging a homeless stranger.

(haha...homeless. Sorry I'll stop with

The man didn't budge. But he spoke instead, "Hey George"

I tensed hearing that soft voice. The voice that I've been friends with for years. I pulled out of the hug to look at him. Arms rested on his shoulders looking into his eyes once more. There he was, right in front of me.


I pulled him back into a hug. I hugged him a little tighter. I was speechless.

"Did I make it?"

I managed to stutter out, "I-I'm not sure. Th-they haven't told me anything."

I felt him tense up, then the waterfalls started.

We both stood there, hugging and crying. I cried into his shoulder while he cried into mine. I looked up from his shoulder to see a familiar face, Nick. He was leaning on the door frame, letting us be men and cry.

His eyes were all puffy from probably crying on his way over here. I knew Nick must of been hit hard with the news. Sapnap and Y/n were like siblings. They shared their secrets and biggest regrets, nothing held them back. They were best friends.

(Tbh I forgot about snapmap- oops sowwy he back tho :)

I released myself from Clay and went over to Nick. He didn't hesitate and leaned into the hug. We cried until we had no more tears to shed. We all hoped she would pull through, but we knew their was a high chance she wouldn't make it.

We all sat on the floor of the room, our backs and heads against the wall behind us. Since our tears ran dry, we sat there just sniffing in silence.

A quiet knock at the door, caused us to turn our heads to the sound. A man a buttoned up shirt and clipboard opened the door and walked in. He sat down on one of the many chairs in the room.

Us three could of sat on the chairs, but the floor seemed better at the time.

The man cleared his throat, "I have some bad news."

Sorry for the short chapter. I promise
Y/n POV is coming, it's just not the time. And it might not be what you expect...>:) hehe Love you guys, stay hydrated Also I was trying to make this chapter sad, but I was just in a 'silly goofy mood' and it just didn't work. so my bad, sorry. ALSO o7 TO LMANBURG!! CANT BELIEVE ITS BEEN A YEAR?!?!
-Athrii <3

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