Chapter 47

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Doomsday: Part 1

~3rd Person~

This was by far the bloodiest battle of all. The grid continued to rain down explosives upon the country that was doomed to be corrupted and crumble into nothingness.

A relic of the past—if you will.

Y/n and Technoblade continued to fight with a smile on their faces and blood on their clothes.

That was until Y/n was faced with someone she didn't want to fight, Tubbo.

(Why did 'This is War' by Thirty Seconds to Mars just come on???)

"You know I don't want to do this, n/n"Tubbo spoke quietly enough that the wind might've blown it away."But you've betrayed me Y/n!"

"Sorry Tubs, I wish you could see from my eyes." Y/n begged, feeling a twinge of guilt from 'betraying' him and the rest of L'Manburg.

"You left us at out worst, and then you full on disappeared completely! Then decided to come back and fight against us!" Tubbo shouted as tears threatened to run down his cheeks.

Y/n's heart sank. "I'm sorry. That's all I can say. But you refused to even try to see what was happening in the other side."

"It's too late for apologizing." Tubbo growled.

"Dream!" A high-pitched scream was heard.


Tubbo took his shot and tightened his grip on his sword, he began to rush towards his opponent.

Y/n slammed her diamond sword against his Netherite one. The sound of the blades clashing could be heard by everyone, though they were all focused on their own battles.

Y/n grit her teeth as she tried to unarm Tubbo. Tubbo continued to push harder, and the sword in Y/n's hand began to slip.

As a final push and with the last bit of her energy, she shoved her foot into his shin. Y/n's winced as she heard a crack. Tubbo tried to suppress his pain, but it was painted clearly on his face.

Y/n backed away as Tubbo lowered himself into the ground, easing the weight off his leg, "I'm sorry."

Tubbo glared weakly at her.

Y/n sighed and wiped the blood from her nose in her sleeve then went to the ladder that reached the top of the grid. She would have to make amends with Tubbo later.

A wither screeched behind her. Y/n was only half way to the top, she wouldn't make it.

The wither was practically on her, within seconds the wither would shoot dangerous gases that would cause your body to decay and melt.

Y/n took a second too long to think about her options, the scream of the wither made her go temporarily deaf. All she could do was stare into its swirling black beady eyes as she awaited her death.

But the screeching stopped and the monsters eyes dissipated into ash. And the charcoal body fell.

Well... that was after it shot it's last skull at the ladder.

The ladder above the girl immediately shriveled up and it snapped under her weight. The overall force blew her off the rope and into the air. Ultimately falling to her death.

Was this it? All of this lead for this to happen?

With a crack of a pearl and soft but rough hands wrapped around her waist. The wind that rushed past her as she fell, turned into nearly windless air.

Black fog began to cover the girls visions, and she suddenly got dizzy.

"Oh please, c'mon." They panted.

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