Chapter 14

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~Y/n's POV~

I ran through trees and bushes until my lungs burned. The branches got caught on my legs and arms, releasing small amounts of blood. I didn't care, I just wanted to go back to what my life was before, whatever that was. My racing mind caused me to slam head first into a tree.

My face began to feel hot, as warm liquid trickled down my nose and mouth. My nose had to be broken.

I collapsed.

Hot tears ran down my face as I slouched against the tree I ran into mere seconds ago. I tried to stop the river of tears, but I was too far in now. All the pain from before crashed onto me. It hurt to move, since the adrenaline wore off. I hugged my knees against my chest and cried. No sounds were heard besides the wind and my not so much silent sobs.

Why did I run?


~Ủ̴̖̭̺̲͇̺̲̹̦̮̽̈͜n̷͉̰͉̎̈́̄k̶̼̝͖̗̍̀̓̾ṋ̶̛̳͍̖͔̝̪̦̬͉̫̒o̸̧̧̢͎̯̫͇̯͎͔̮̺̰̳͂͊̂w̶̹̳͉͇̞̺̼̜̿͌̆̄̽͐̓͘̕͘͝ͅn̷͕̮͈̘̒̾̔͆̆̈́̑͋̊̅̐͛̀̃ ̵̨̝̠̥̣̠̹̗̮̩̭̣͊̒ͅP̶̡̡̛͍͖͔̜͚̈́̔́̂̀̀́͑̄Ó̶͙̝͙̙͇̮̩͖̮̮͙̰̖͇̀͌̓́̂V̶̮̐̒̔͌͝~

She cried.

Her cries were full of confusion, hurt and guilt. I watched. I didn't know what else to do. She was all cut up, blood flowing freely down her arms, legs and face. Seeping into her torn up clothes.

Her cries began to settle, as her eye's drooped. Her chest rose up and down rhythmically. Eventually her cries came to a complete stop and her body slouched further against the tree.

It was around 2am and the air was getting colder. The poor girl in front of me was shivering. And her cuts would get infected if I didn't do anything.

I decided to go back to my base to grab a few items for the girl I've never met, let alone, seen her face. Her face was buried into her knees, preventing me from seeing her profile. I entered our base, which was similar to the community house, but it was bigger and homier. It had quite a few stories, with its own necessities. Punz was sitting on the couch, while Sapnap and George were playing Chess by our fireplace. By the looks of it, Sapnap was winning.

I walked over to the kitchen counter and laid down my bow, sword and it's sheath. Punz spoke, "How was spying, Dream?" Not even bothering to look up at me, too busy sharping his sword.

I ignored him, and went down the hall to our weaponry room. Where I searched for healing potions and bandages. I opened the potion chest only to find two health potions left. I took one, the boys wouldn't notice...would they? On my way out I grabbed a roll of bandages. I took a left, and headed back to the kitchen. On the far counter I caught sight of my green windbreaker. It was at least a year old, and had a small hole in the pocket, but it will do its job. I grabbed it and threw it over my shoulder.

I picked up the bow and hung it over my other shoulder, and strapped on my sword.
"Leaving so soon? I thought you were done." Sapnap said with a pout on his face. My mask held his eyes, I rarely took my signature mask off. The boys have seen my face when we were all little, but once I turned 12, I took a liking for hiding my identity from the world.

"It won't be long, and go easy on George," my voice then went into a low whisper, "he's colorblind."

I earned a snicker from both Sapnap and Punz, but George gave me a look of disappointment as his eyes glare into my masks'. "Dream. It's chess. There aren't colors involved." I shrugged and left with a smile on my face, closing the door behind me. More laughs erupted behind door as I began my walk back through the forest.

I hurriedly made my way to the tree where I left the girl, climbing over rocks and fallen logs. I finally caught sight of her.
She was right where I left her, leaning against the tree, sleeping. Or more likely, passed out due to exhaustion. I walked over to her, my feet avoiding anything that would alert my position. As I got closer I noticed the tips of her fingers were blue. That's when I noticed her entire body shaking.

She was going to freeze to death.

I crouched down in front of her, draping the windbreaker over her shaking figure. I looked back at her s/c hands which were nearing purple at this point. I clicked my tongue debating my decision. I sighed, she would need these more than me, as a slipped off my black fingerless gloves, exposing my thin fingers. Yeah, they wouldn't keep her fingertips warm, but it was better than nothing.

Luckily she didn't stir when I slipped the gloves onto her ice hands. I was tempted to get a peek at her face, but I'd rather not disturb her. I pulled out the healing potion and bandages, laying them next to the sleeping girl.

I took one final glance at the girl, and left.

YOOOO this chapter was so HECKIN fun!! so...y'all prolly guessed who's POV this is hehe. But in the future I don't know what to label the POV as coz...there's 2 of them...smh
Luv you guys!! ALSO ALMOST 200 READS WHAAA??? Thank you!!

-Athrii <3

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