Chapter 34

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"So... why did you leave us behind?"

Tommy and I sat facing each other on opposite sides of the same couch, but I refused to make eye contact.

Apollo sat between Tommy and me, his head on my knee.

After a few long seconds of silence, I spoke,"I thought you hated me. I thought everyone did. Everyone still does."

Tears threatened to spill out, but I couldn't let that happen. Apollo licked my hand, giving comfort.

Tommy spoke in a fragile tone, "No one hates you Y/n, everyone misses you. Especially Tubbo and Dream."

I glanced at him and silently asked him to elaborate. There was no way Dream missed me, I was just a pawn to him.

"He doesn't act the same. He's more aggressive; like he's grieving. He's the reason I'm out here.

I would have to ask him for the entire story later.
Tears slid down my face, but they only fell harder when Tommy pulled me into a hug. He whispered in hushed tones; quieting me down.

I couldn't help but feel guilty, "If I stayed, everything would be at peace." I choked out.

Tommy swayed with me in his arms, "None of this is your fault okay? You did what you thought was best."

I hated myself for being so vulnerable. He was the first person I met in a year, and I've already spilt all my tears. I need to suck it up.

You're dramatic.

You can't let others see your weakness.

Bottle your emotions.

Those thoughts surfaced my mind often, but it hit harder this time.

Don't let others help carry your burdens, don't let them worry about you.

You're fine.

My exhale was quite shaky, but I pulled away. "Thanks,"

Tommy smiled, "No problem. Talk to me. I'm here for you."

He's lying.

I gulped, then headed off to my room.

It was around 4 am, the sun would be up soon, I should try and get some rest.

That didn't happen. Destructive thoughts plagued my mind once again.

You're pathetic.

You're a coward.

Tommy is giving you pity.

Before I knew it, the sun peaked over the mountains. I didn't get any sleep. I don't deserve it anyway.

I stumbled out of my bed and down the stairs. Tommy laid sprawled out on the couch, still asleep, with drool dripping out his parted lips.

Apollo sat snuggled against the blonde boy, head resting on the boy's chest.

I tried to smile, but it came out forced. My face retreated back to a weak frown.

Throughout the past year, I had my share of depressive episodes, but I could feel this one would be the worst.

I entered the kitchen and made some eggs and bacon. As the smell wafted into the living room where the boys slept, both got up immediately.

Tommy stood in the doorway while Apollo sat on my feet, begging for a snack.

I built up a facade.

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