Chapter 35

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~Y/n's POV~

"Yes I was Wilbur. I'm Ghostbur! Nice to meet you!"

I couldn't believe my eyes. Wilbur— Ghostbur held a toothy grin.

"Here have some Blue!" The ghost handed me a clear glasslike object. But before I could question it, Ghostbur dropped it into my hands.

The clear object turned blue, very quickly may I add. I looked up to Ghostbur, relying on his facial expressions to tell me what witchcraft is in my hands.

Ghostbur looked... surprised, but frowned at the same time. "Wow... that's not good. We're going to need a lot more Blue."

I glanced back at the blue object that laid in my hands. The object increasingly got heavier and a the shade of blue darkened.

"Ghostbur, care to explain?"

"Oh wow." A new voice said. Leaning against the doorframe was a man. He had shoulder length blonde hair with some sort of green... robes?

He had a green striped bucket hat, Japanese sandals and paired with bright blue eyes.

I subconsciously took a step back, not quite trusting the man. "Hey it's okay, I'm Phil, Techno might have mentioned me."

My mind thought back to the letter,

'Make sure you eat, even though Phil will probably force you to. Rest easy.'

This man couldn't be scary. I nodded at Phil, "I'm Y/n. Care to explain why this glass is dripping mysterious blue liquid that is vanishing right before it hits the ground?"

Man, I just realized how weird this all is. These people are going to murder me, and no one will ever find my body-

"That's Blue! It takes away your sadness!"The peppy ghost said with an echoey voice."But... it seems like you have a lot of sadness..."

I stuttered, "I-I'm not sad. I'm p-perfectly fine."

Phil tilted his head to the side, studying me for a moment. Something hid behind his bright blue eyes. Whatever it was it didn't matter, just his gaze alone made me shudder and shrink away

"Let's get you something to eat. Ghostbur would you mind getting a blanket from the closet?"

"Okay Phil!" Ghostbur said way to happily, and then floated out of the room.

"You okay mate?" His eyes quickly switched and were now filled with worry and comfort. He wrapped an arm around my back, rubbing his hand on my shoulder.

When I woke up, I didn't have much time to completely take in everything, now I could. Wilbur died.

A best friend, if you will, died and now were a happy ghost. "What happened?"

Phil new what I was asking. He knew a lot. He had to, during his many years on this planet. (I'm so sorry.)

"He went down with his country."

I choked back a sob. There was no way. Wilbur loved his country. From what I saw when I was there, he put his heart and soul into that small piece of land.

"He made me kill him." My eyes snapped to the blonde. His eyes full of regret. But I saw a murderer.

I stepped away from his grasp, "You killed your own son? For what? What was the reason?"

My statement left the man speechless, his eyes desperately searched for a place that wasn't my eyes.

"What's going on here?" A scruffy voice spoke. I quickly hid the Blue behind me, not everyone needed to know how lonely and depressed I am.

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