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Annabelle POV

When i got an e-mail earlier this week i couldn't believe it the twins' birthparents want to meet them again. This could be their chance to get their family back, the only problem was that the twins were very clear about not wanting to see their parents. Especially after what mads has been trough, not that anyone know what happened because she wouldn't open up about it, not even to jackson. But i still had to ask jackson but i kinda already knew my answer.

They wanted to meet me first wich will happen at friday, the day of their big game. I'm sure ince they've seen their parents they will come around, it'll be easier for jackson but madeline will to i know so.

Scarlett POV

I've never felt worse in my life than the day we gave our babies up. Ever since then i haven't fully been myself, a piece of me has been missing my little bam bam and my troublemaker. I missed them so much that i couldn't even stand the sight of chris the first year and a half because he reminded me to much of them. And ever since they've been gone i've slept with mi bam bam's pink blankie with her name on it.  As time passed the pain got less but i learned how to ignore it aswell. The last few months i couldn't stop thinking about them wondering how they've been and how they've grown up. Chris and i decided to search for their social worker and asked to meet them again. We were told our babies were never adopted and they've been in an orphanage ever since one and a half. When i heard the news i was furious i didn't want that for my babies, they didn't deserve this. If we would've known they weren't adopted they would've never been in the foster system they would be right back home with us, but we didn't know.
I was surprised when we got an answer this fast that we could meet their social worker tomorrow already and i can't wait.

Chris POV

Today we have a meeting with their social worker and as you can guess we're both nervous wrecks. Scarlett woke up at like 5 in the morning and pur meeting was at 11, she had been walking around the house like a chicken and it's making me even more nervous. I've tried to calm her down but nothing seems to work she just wants our babies back and so do i.

After e few long hours it's finaly time for the meeting, scar is holing onto my hand for dear life. As we walk into the office we're directed to ms. Annabelle Brown, their social worker. When the lift starts to move i can feel my nerves getting worse, but i'm okay and we'll be okay. I mean what's the worst that could happen? Okay don't answer that i don't think i'm ready for some worst case scenarios.

Once we're called in her office we're met woth a tall brunette, she has this friendly look but i'm almost sure that she could kill you of you get on her bad side. She's intimidating, her brown eyes pierce trough your soul and her bodylanguage screams dominance. But i pull myself together and walk in with scarlett. "Hi i'm Annabelle Brown the teins social worker. It's nice to meet you ms. Johansson and mr. Evans." She says while shaking our hands. "Nice to meet you to" we both say and we sit down in front of her desk. "How are they?" Scarlett asks " they're doing great jackson is a very sporty guy he plays soccer and he plays realy well he's one of the best on the team" and when she said that i had the biggest smile on my face "he's also doing pretty well at school he's got e good friendgroup and most of all he's an amazing brother and he's grown into a wonderfull man" she says and from the way she speaks of him i already can't wait to meet him.

Scarlett POV

Hearing her talk about our little man was amazing but i keep wondering how my little girl is doing. "What about madeline?" I ask her. "Mads has groen into this beautifull young woman and she's realy mature for her age. She's realy not a morning person at all so most of the time we don't even bother trying to wake her up because we never know what grumpy mads has prepared for us. She also plays soccer and sometimes she cheers if ther's someone injured. She's realy talented and has a big passion for music and art. She absolutely loves animals, she has these big blie puppy eyes none of us can say no to and she knows it all to well. Both of them have been trough a lot in their lives but i've always had the impression it was harder on her but she never opens up about it." I wonder what she means with it has been harder on her. "Mads is doing better in school than last year but she is her own person and some of the teachers don't know how to handle her. She knows who she is and what's her worth and altough she's very mature we all know she's still a child at hard. She never misses an opportunity to cuddle or hug me, her brother or her friends and their family. Sometimes she's like this big cuddly koala bear." She finishes "glad to know my little girl is still into her cuddles. God i swear she gives the best cuddles ever." Just thinking about her and her cuddles makes me want to cry. Afwtr a minute chris speaks up again "so when can we see them?" He asks "well i'm actualy heading to watch their game tonight they have this big soccer game against "the rivals". It's just one of the other hogh schools in oxford but it's a big deal to them so i'm always there to support them. If you want to you could come." She says and i felt my heart beating out of my chest. I'm going to see my babies tonight.

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