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Scarlett POV

I felt so bad for what i did and when madeline pushed me away i felt even worse. I was crying the whole time and then lizzie came to make dinner. When she told me madeline talked to her i felt this big wave of jealousy hitting me again and it's almost getting to much to take but it also makes me feel so guilty because i never get jealous when my other kids get along with others. I was licky that i was alone, rose has left to her dad this morning, chris and jackson are staying over at scott's, colin had to work tonight and lizzie and madeline are upstairs in her room. So i have enough time to think about everything and get even more jealous over all the things madeline does with lizzie she doesn't do with me.

After eating my food while working myself up ober little things i clean up and go to my room. When i get upstairs i hear madeline playing the guitar and singing a song i've never heard before. Did she write that song? I ask myself and i move closer to her room to listen. She did indeed write that song along with some others. Why didn't she tell me she wrote songs? I ask myself again but i already know the answer to that. She doesn't trust mw and to be honest i havent given her reason to trust me. Than she starts singing a amall piece of a song without any music and it's so good, i can't help but feel proud of her. She's so talented and i bet she doesn't even know how good she is.

Lizzie POV

The rest of the night madeline and i talked and sang together. We ended up falling asleep cuddled up in her bed with her litteraly on top of me. And that's the same position we were in when i woke up. When i opened my eyes the forst thing i saw was her cute little face and it reminds me of the times when she slept on my chest as a baby. I look at the time and see it's 7:45 so i decide it's to early to wake her up so i get in my phone while stroking her back with my other hand. I really missed having my little monkey sleeping like this with me, that's actualy where her nickname came from. One time when she was little she slept on top of me and when i wanted to get up she kept holding me even when i didn't support her so since then she became my little monkey.

I didn't realise how fast the time went until i heard the doorbell ring and lookes at the time and saw it was already 9 o' clock. I wake mads up by rubbing her cheecks and whispering her name, that always worked when she was a kid so why wouldn't it work now. "Madeline you need to wake up" i whisper again and she groans "come on monkey it's brealkfast time we have a busy day ahead" i say and she looks confused "the people are here with the stuff for your room and we need to build them and put them in place" i tell her and she whines "nooooo! I don't wanna get up!"  And i start laughing. "Don't laugh at me you're comfy" she says and pouts making me laugh again "i'm sorry monkey your pout is so adorable" i say and she puts her head back on my chest. "Well if you don't get up yourself than hang on" i say and i get up with her hanging onto me. God she's light i think to myself. "I'm not letting go just so you know" she says resting her head on my shoulder and i laugh "oh i know" i say and make my way downstairs.

Scarlett POV

Colin came home late after work wich i hate because the man can't be quiet when he comes in and woke me up. I slept really bad, i woke up multiple times and i had a hard time falling back asleep, my back hurts and i think i woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep so i decided to get up and do some chores around the house untill they come with the stuff for the twins rooms.

When the delivery man leaves i walk back inside and wait for the rest to wake up or arrive. I did not have to wait long before i heard footsteps coming down the stairs and when i looked over to see who it was i saw lizzie walking around with mads clinging onto her like she used to do as a baby. And yet again there's this wave of jealousy flooding over me. I guess lizzie must've felt my stare when she turned around and gave me a smile "goodmorning" she says and i give her a tight lipped smile back "morning" i numble and i leave the kitchen.

Madeline POV

When scarlett left the kitchen she seemed sad but also like really mad at lizzie and i don't understand why. "You know she was shooting daggers at you with her eyes when we walked in right" i say and lizzie lets out a little laugh. "Oh i know" she says like it's the most obvious thing "well why was she looking like that?" I ask and lizzie stays quiet for a while. I let go of her and wait for her to answer me "well i think your mom is jealous of how good we get along"she states and moves to make breakfast. I really don't understand that woman, she doesn't even want me but gets jealous when i get aling with my godmother. She needs to figure out what the hell she wants because i don't understand.

Hey y'all. Thanks for reading this book, i really apreciate it.

A double update as thank you for 670 reads🥳

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