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Scarlett POV

Last night i almost didn't sleep because my guilt was overwhelming me. I also woke up early this morning and i decided to make a big breaksfast as attempt to apologise and i hope she might let me.

As i'm outdoing myself i hear someone speak up "are you feeding an army here?" Lizzie jokes and i let out a small chuckle "no i was up early and i don't even know what madeline's favourite breakfast is so i made a little bit of everything." I answer and she nods "how was she yesterday?" I ask softly "well she was really nervous and even had a panic attack before going on stage but she nailed it. Oh and her face when she saw florence in the crowd was worth gold" she says and i feel even guiltier, she had a panic attack and i wasn't there to help her. Hell i might be one of the reasons she had one. "I'm glad she did good" i tell her and then her face changes. "You actually haven't told me why you weren't there yet" she says, at this point i'm sure she'll be mad at me but i have to be honest. "Uhm well rose threw a fit about me not wanting to leave and i had five minutes spare so i went inside. Then i lost track of time and when i left romain's she was already halfway through the concert. I would've drove faster than i should but i got stuck in traffic and got home like a minute before you guys did" i tell her emberassed and she gives me a dissaproving look. "Wow you know honestly i tought there might have been a better reason for not showing up but you never fail to amaze me actually. Do you remember what you told madeline the day of her first music video shooting?" She asks me and i nod "you promised her you'd be there no matter what, but you didn't show up because you lost track of time?" She says and scoffs "you know madeline has told me many times you don't want her and time and time again i tell her she's wrong but i don't know how many times she'll believe me. You might not see it right now but the only thing holding the two of you together right now is me, i kept defending you on times you might not even deserve it but i'll tell you this. I won't keep protecting you when you're wrong and you'll have to fix this before you lose her completely" she says and walks upstairs.

Lizzie POV

It was time scarlett got told the truth for once and it just came out in a spur of anger. I could see she feels guilty but a breakfast won't make up for last night, i was already angry that she told me she didn't even know her favourite breakfast because they're already living together for over a month and than she told me she was woth rose and i was ready to explode. After i told her all of that i got up and went upstairs before i got any angrier and maybe i would say somethings i don't mean.

When i get upstairs i decide to check on madeline first and when i walk in fer room i see her and flo cuddled up with baby blue leaning her head on madeline. I smile at the sight and snap a picture i'll send to them later.

Madeline POV

I wake up feling a hand moving up my back and i humm at the feeling "goodmorning darling" flo says in her sexy morning voice "goodmorning flossie" i reply and she presses a kiss on my head. I look up at her with a small pout and she giggles before giving me a kiss "better now?" She asks and i pretend to think for e second "almost" i answer and lean in for another kiss. Even tho we aren't togther yet this is a way i would not mind waking up to every morning.

After spending most of the morning in bed cuddling with eachother and blue we finaly got up and went downstairs. We enter the kitchen and the first thing in sight is a big buffet "goodmorning i didn't know what your favourite breakfast was so i made a bit of everything and it's also kind of a celebration for you concert going so well last night" i hear scarlett saying from the opposite side of the kitchen. "Well you didn't need to do all of that because i normally don't eat breakfast. But i tought by now you should've known that. Or maybe you could've asked someone else what is was just like how you had to ask them how my concert was" i say and i grab a muffin and start eating it. She stays quiet for a while and just as imm about to think that i'll be eating in peace she opens her mouth. "Look i'm sorry for not being there and breaking my promise. I know i broke the little bit of trust you gave me but i'm really sorry and if you let me i'll make it up to you and i'll do better for you" she pleads and i look at her to see tears pooling her eyes. "Why weren't you there?" I ask her and she lets out a loud sigh "i was with romain and rose and i lost track of time an-" she says but once i hear she was with rose, the daughter she actually wants, i get up and walk upstairs slamming each door i pass. Maybe she'll finaly realise how angry and hurt i am once i starts slamming and throwing things and shouting at her.

Ofcourse she was with her daughter. How could i be so stupid to give her some of my trust. I've always known she doesn't want me, she keeps telling me otherwise but yet she's proving me right over and over again. But it's okay i guess, i've lived without her my whole life. I don't need her i've got lizzie, robert, flo and my dad. But yet when i have all of them i can't help but wanting her to love me more than any of them.

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