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Florence POV

I woke up and felt the emptiness around me in bed, i looked at the clock and it was four in the morning. When i turned around i saw madeline sitting at her desk with a small light besides her and she was writing something. "Darling?" I spoke and she turned "oh sorry did i wake you up?" She asks and i shake my head "no but what are you doing?" I ask her and she shrugs "i've been working on some new songs to sing at my tour as a surprise and i got inspired" she says like it's the most normal thing in the world. "Well okay get your cute inspired ass back in bed because i'm cold and i want cuddles" i whine and pout. She giggles and finishes her lyric "i was just done anyway" she says and walks over to me and kisses my pout away while letting herself fall on top of me. I pull the covers over us and wrap my arms around her waist, maybe a little to close to her ass but not as close as i wanted to because i don't want to trigger her. "Flossie we can't sleep like this" she giggles besides me ear and i sigh content "why not i'm very comfy and i want you this close to me at all times" i answer and she lifts her head so it's above mine. Her beautifull long hair makes a curtain around our faces and she just leans in and captures my lips. My hands uncontiously grip her waist a bit tighter and one moves down to her ass resting on it. Her hands are knotted in my hair and her lips are firmly pressed against mine.

We pull away when breathing becomes a necessity and she looks in my eyes "i don't think i'll ever get used to this" i whipser and she shakes her head "me neither" she whispers before giving me a quick peck and settling her head on my chest. As we both were comfortable sleep took over while we were close to one another.

Madeline POV

I woke up to flo tracing some imaginary shapes on my bare back. My shirt must've rolled up a bit when i was sleeping and i felt her other hand on my thigh. I stir a bit and when i open my eyes i'm met by hers and that's the only thing i want to wake up to forever. I figured out my feelings a while ago but i want to ask her in a special way and i came up with the perfect idea.

We spent the rest of our time eating and cuddling on the couch while dad was almost crying when he saw it was already noon. We ate and left to the parking of my bus where the rest would be to say goodbye. Lizzie told scarlett so she could at least come and say goodbye before i leave. I'm not hoping on it, but i actually am.

Time came sooner than later and i'm hugging robert and his wife susan. Next up is robbie "thanks for all your help with my music, it's partly because of you that i'm here now" i whisper and he sniffles "thank my fiancée for getting your producer. You don't need to thank me for your talent" he says and i smile "don't get married while i'm gone, i'm claiming bridesmaid" i tell him while i pull away and lizzie heard and she giggles. I go to florence first and i just hug her "i'll miss you" she whispers and i nod "i'll miss you to. Oh and make sure to watch my last show in oxford okay?" I ask before pulling away "i'll be watching you whether it's live or on screen i'll be watching i promise" she says and i give her a kiss on the cheeck. I move to dad and he wraps me in a bearhug "i'll miss you bubba but i'll call you every other day and text everyday. I'll also be there as much as i can" he says and i nod "i know papa and i'll miss you to" i tell him and i make my way over to lizzie. She's standing next to the entrance of my bus, i quickly look around and the last bit of hope i held onto was crushed. Lizzie saw my look change and she wraped me in her arms "why? Why auntie liz?" I sobbed into her shoulder "shh it's okay i'm here and i'm sorry that she's not." She tries to calm me "no it's not okay. She's hurt me so many times and i still hoped she'd be here, even after our fight. She's still my mama and i want her to try for me, i want her to hold me when i'm down or lonely, i want her to make time for me and take care of me, i want to do all the normal things with her because she's my mama. Even after all she's done i want her to love me. Why doesn't she love me auntie liz? Is it me? Am i that hard to love?" I sob into her shoulder and she calms me down after a few minutes.

I feel numb after my breakdown and i just wave and walk into the bus without looking back.

No one POV

Little did madeline know that if she looked back she would've seen scarlett standing there. She heard everything her babygirl said and was unable to confort her and it's all her fault.

Another fuck up for scarlett. What's the score by now?

I hope you liked this chapter and that you're doing okay🤍

Till the next chapter babes <3

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