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Madeline POV

This is the part i'm most scared of, opening up about my past. Most of the times after this part people run and break my trust with doing so. But here i am putting all my trust in her hands, hoping for the best.

"As you know when we were little jackson and i went into foster care. The family they had chosen for us didn't want us anymore at the last moment so we ended up there. It wasn't a good place to grow up, the owners were mean,drunk most of the times, and we had to take care of ourselves over there. After a bit of time there were a couple of families who fostered us, they all wanted a boy, but with jackson came me and that's exactly what happened when we were eight."

"Mr. Benson was our new fosterdad, he only wanted a boy but i was part of the deal so he took me aswell. Jackson was the golden child of the family, he was the best at sports, his pride and joy, while i was the black sheep. Even tho i didn't like it over there i didn't tell anyone because jackson did and i'd do anything to make him happy. Four months after my eighth birthday he came home really drunk and started hitting me. Then it happened sgain, and again and again, not only with his hands but with whatever he could find. It variated from a baseball bat to a wooden planck."i tell her and she is just listening, probably in shock.

"I didn't want to dissapoint jackson so i took it all. A little while before i turned ten he raped me, took my virginity, while i cried out in pain and begged him to stop. It was no use because the more sound i made the harde he moved. A few weeks after i turned ten his friends came over for the first time. They took me with them to the barn a little bit away from the house and they all had their fun with me. "

"I was left there for a week, until the next visit. They started visiting more often and started beating me, like i was their personal punchbag. I was going to tell someone but he convinced me it was of no use. I mean who would believe a ten year old anyways? So i did what i did best at the tile, i stayed quiet and i took it. "

"Until i was thirteen it went on, but someday jackson and annabelle found out. I was glad to get away from that place, that it was over. Because even through all of the shitty thing that had just happened to me over these years i was happy that jackson got to have a father for that amount of time. And even tho all of that happened i still clamped onto that hope i got when i was little that one day my mama would come for me. "

"Every birthday, every shooting star was the same wish for me. I always wished for my real mother to come for me, but by the time she did i changed. I was no longer that bubbly little girl she oncethought she knew, i am this messed up cloudy person that doesn't open up. Guess when every family you move in with tells you you're worthless and unlovable you start to believe it. So i shut down, i didn't trust adults that came into my life and i sure as hell didn't open up."

"But here i am opening up to you, not affraid to tell you that i have some really big scars on my back and on my ribs, and trusting you enough to call you mom, because you feel like one." I tell her with tears rolling down both our cheeks. She pulls me into her arms and holds me close "i'm really sorry you had to go through this baby. I'm glad that you trust me and i'm not going anywhere if that's what you think. I'm here and i'll always be here for you" she says and i nod into her chest.

"It's just that sometimes i get these days where it all gets to much, and yesterday started of as one of them. But then florence cane by and she made all my doubt go away, like magic" i tell her and she smiles "that's because she loves you and you love her. She'd do anything to make you happy and feel safe, even if it's just as simple as holding you and telling you it'll be okay. And she knows you can't change youself and magically make the bad days and your flaws go away, but she loves you anyway" she says and i nod as i start thinking about it. She really is amazing and i'm very lucky to have her.

Lizzie POV

It had been over two weeks scince i saw madeline for the last time, so when she showed up i was really happy. Then she called me mom, told me chris has a new girlfriend, told me how things are between her and scarlett, that she had sex with florence, and she opened up about her past.

When i heard what happened to her i couldn't help but think that all of it wouldn't have happened if they didn't give them up. But then i also realised i can't blame scarlett for doing what she thought was best. I had already picked her up and made my way over to the guest bedroom, which i may or may not have decorated for her, and made her change into something else.

We cuddled on the bed and i saw her looking around in the room "did you decorate this room for me?" She asks and i bite my lip and nod "it's really pretty. Thank you mama liz" she says and gives me a kiss on my cheek. My smile grows three sizes and i give her a kiss on her head "you're welcome my little monkey" i tell her and she nods.

I felt her snuggle closer to me wich means she's getting tired and will be asleep soon. "Thanks for listening today and not running away" she whispers and i give her a little squeeze "sweet girl, you're practically my daughter, i'm not going anywhere. Not now and not ever. I love you the way you are, and nothing you will say could ever change that" i tell her and she humms "goodnight mama liz" she mumbles "goodnight my little monkey" i whisper back. And with that she's asleep while i'm still awake and thinking about what she told me.

I'm really glad she opened up. And i'm really trying my best not to blame scarlett for all of what's happened to her.

So she opened up about her past.
I really love their relationship and i really feel the whole mother-daughter vibes.

I hope you know you're worth it🤍

Till rhe next chapter babes<3

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