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Madeline POV

I've been spending the last three days with chris and lizzie and it's been amazing. We went shopping, explored the city for a bit, we went eating and they even helped me finish all of my homework. Today is my next show here in chicago and they've been coming to rehearsals with me and they followed me around. It's nice having them with me to support me.

So far i've been avoiding the subject scarlett the best i can but sometimes she gets brought up in a conversation and it makes me miss her even more. She also hasn't come to any of my shows because i never saw her in the crowd. Maybe she was there but far in the back or i didn't see her, i mean it could be like that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and my stylist entered. "Come on get your lazy ass up we're getting dressed up" maya says.
(Couldn't remember what i named her so it's maya now)

"Coming" i say and i walk over to her. "So which one are we feeling today?" She asks me and i look through my options and this is the one i end up choosing.

"That one is perfect for you" she says and i smile "thanks" i say before changing

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"That one is perfect for you" she says and i smile "thanks" i say before changing. I chose to let my hair half down and they styled it exactly how i wanted it. It was nice having someone do my hair but that just made my thoughts wander back to her. I never got my mom to do my hair when i was little, and i never got her singing me to sleep, or read me a bedtime story. I never got her to calm me down when it was storming outside, i never got those moments and memories, but i want them so bad.

My mind was once again filled with her, the words she said, the things she could've done with me, the things she missed out on and the things i wanted to do with her. With all of that clouding my mind i got on stage and hearing all of them cheer and scream cleared it almost all out. A big smile took over my face.

Everything was going so well and i just had to sing 'easy on me' and than it was done. As they were all cheering i looked over them and i saw that one face and i froze. She gave me a small smile and i got myself out of my trance and walked back to the piano. I took a few deep breaths and started playing the keys and started singing.

There ain't no gold, in this river.
Where i've been washing my hands in forever.

I start glancing over to the crowd seeing all of them sing along with me.

I know there is hope in this water.
But i can't bring myself to swim, when i am drowning, in this scilence baby let my in.

And then i lock eyes with her for a second but she's quick to look away.

Go easy on me baby.
I was still a child,
I didn't get the chance to.
Feel the world around me,
I had no time to choose,
What i chose to do.
So go easy on me.

Before i start the next verse we make eye contact again but this time she doesn't break it and neither do i.

There ain't no room for thing to change
When we are both so deeply stuck in our way.
You can't deny how hard i have tried.
I changed who i was to put you both first but now i give up.

I sing directly at her and i see the hurt on her face when she realises it's about her.

For the rest of the song i put in all my emotions that came up when i saw her again. The crowd was cheering like crazy, not knowing that i feel like i'm going to have a panic attack in about two seconds. I know i can't run off just like that do i'm trying my best not to break down in front of my fans.

While waving back at them i feel my left hand starting to shake besides me and i try to put it a bit more behind me so they wouldn't notice, or at least i hope they didn't. Because all my attention was on not breaking down right now i didn't see baby blue running on stage until i felt her nose booping my hand to show me i'm really close to a panic attack. A big smile made it's way on my face when i saw her sitting there, wagging her tail, and looking so cute. My fans started shouting and yelling because they have never seen blue in real live. I mean sure i've posted pics of her and dodger on my instagram but it's not the same.

I smiled as i got an idea "looks like someone wanted to say hello to you guys" i day and they cheer. I wait for them to quiet down before i crouch down towards blue "come on baby say hello" i tell her and hold the mic to her and she howls a bit making the crowd go crazy all over again. Blue was enjoying the attention she was getting and her butt started shaking from how hard she was wagging her tail. I chuckled a bit before turning to them "you guys wanna see a trick i thought her before i leave" i ask them and they all yell 'yes' i give my mic to someone from backstage and walk back so there is some space between me and blue. I turn back to her and crouch down and command "army crawl" and she crawls over to me really fast. I stand back up and she jumps in my arms the moment i tell her she's a good girl. I put her back on the stage and wave one last time before exiting the stage.

When i get backstage i'm met with a smiling chris and lizzie, altough lizzie's face shows some concern because she probably knows that blue sensed a panic attack coming. I've only ever told lizzie that she can sense them so that's why dad isn't worried now. "You did great bubs" dad says while he gives me his usual bear hug. It always goes like that after a show they cale to watch, they say i did great, dad gives me a bear hug, lizzie gives me a bone crushing hug telling me how proud she is of me, and then i change and we go somewhere to eat.

So as expected as soon as dad let's me go i'm pulled in by lizziebear. "You did amazing. I'm so proud of you my little angel" she says and gives me a kiss on my head. "Thanks auntie liz" i say and i burry my head deeper in her chest, seeking all the comfort i can get, because i'm once again reminded i won't get hers.

While chris and lizzie were still talking to some of the backstage crew i made my way to my dressing room to change. I change in some sweatpants and a nike crop top, paired with my red jordans.

Just as i'm nearly finished i hear my door opening "hey auntie liz i'm almost ready to go" i say, not turning to look who it is, while i'm tying my shoes

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Just as i'm nearly finished i hear my door opening "hey auntie liz i'm almost ready to go" i say, not turning to look who it is, while i'm tying my shoes. When i finish trying my shoes i still didn't get an answer so i turned around with a frown and i froze when i saw her looking at me.

"Can we talk please" she asks me so quiet that i wouldn't have heard it if the clock was ticking any harder.

So a confrontation between madeline an scarlett.

Wanna know what happens?
Keep reading to gind out.

I hope you're all doing well🤍

Till the next chapter babes<3

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