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Madeline POV

Her perfect lips move along mine. Her hands start wandering around my body while mine scratch lightly at the back of her neck. When her hands make their way further up under my shirt her lips find my neck and she leaves open mouth kisses all over my neck "flo, baby no marks" i barly get out and she groans but nods.

She puts her leg inbetween mine and when i feel the pressure between my legs i suddenly get flashbacks from mr. Benson and his friends and i start to panic a bit. I push her away and she looks at me with a worried expression "whats wrong darling?" She asks and wipes the tears i didn't even know were falling "i'm sorry" was all i could whisper repeatadly. She wrapped me in her arms and kissed the top of my head "it's okay darling i'm here for you and i'm sorry if it was something i did" she says and i shake my head "it isn't you it's just my stupid past" i tell her and she pulls me closer to her "it's okay love i'm here if you want to talk about it" she says and we stay like that until i calm down a bit. "I'm sorry for ruining the moment" i say not meeting her gaze and she lifts my head and makes me look at her. "Darling it's okay if you're not ready or if you don't want to i'll wait for you. However long it takes" she says and i give her a kiss. "It's not that i don't want to, because believe me i do, it's just my mind that won't stop bothering me since the fight with scarlett" i answer her and she nods and gives me another peck on the lips.

We went downstairs to get some ice cream and blue followed us upstairs. We cuddled while feeding eachother some bits of the ice cream and watching a movie.

When we finished the movie and the ice cream i sat up and took a deep breath "i want to tell you about it, i just don't know if i'll tell you all of it right now" i say and she sits up and nods "everything at your pace darling" she reassures me. "So as you know jackson and i were in foster care before all of this. And we got fostered multiple times when we were little, and when we almost turned eight there was a man who wanted jackson. But the system wouldn't split us so with jackson came me and he was mad about that at first. As you know i'd do anything to make jackson happy and he was happy there so i did all i could to make us stay there." I tell her and she looked horrified "please don't tell me he-" she started but i cut her off "it started four months after i turned eight, he was drunk and started hitting me, at forst it was just his hands, but after some time it was with whatever he could find. Then later on when i was nine his friends came over for the first time, they had their fun with me and i was left in the barn for a week. Until their next visit. They started coming more often and started hitting me aswell. When we turned thirteen jackson and annabelle found out and that was the day we left his house. It took me years to be as okay as i am right now, and i'm still nowhere near okay. I guess our moment made me remember all of these things and i hate myself for that because now you'll probably think i'm crazy" i tell her and she pulls me in a hug. "Darling i'm so sorry that happend. I wish i could've protected you but i will from now on, i won't leave you and i don't think you're crazy" she says and i sob into her chest.

I was half asleep cuddling flo when the door opened, i was to tired from crying so i just pretended to be asleep. "Is she sleeping already?" I heard dad asking florence "yeah we got emotional while saying an early goodbye for tomorrow and she was exhausted" flo answers him and it warms my heart to know she didn't tell him "okay i'll leave you two then goodnight" he says before giving me head a small kiss. When he leaves the room i snuggle more into flo "thanks for not telling him" i say and she humms "ofcourse i won't. Go to sleep darling i'll be here when you wake up" she says and u humm "night baby" i mumble before giving her neck a kiss and snuggling in her while gripping her shirt between my fist "night darling" she whispers and gives my head a kiss while she wraps her arms around my waist.

I don't want this moment to end because now i'm happy and i'm scared once i leave this bed something bad might happen again.

So mads told flo a bit about her past..

What do we think is going to happen next?

I hope you are doing okay🤍

Till the next chapter babes <3

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