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Madeline POV

The last two days in chicago were great, dad took me and the girls out, lizzie amd i did some fun stuff and scarlett and i had a short talk. It wad nothing special but i liked the fact that she actually tried to talk to me.

Today we're leaving for my last stop, oxford, and i'm really excited to go there. I'm finally going to see jade and mason again, but i'm also a bit bummed that i have to say goodbye to the girls, dad and auntie liz. I know dad and lizzie will be there for my last show and they have to do some more shoots right now to get off work on time.

The travel to oxford was a bit boring but i didn'r mind, i managed to fit some sleep in there because i probably won't be sleeping mich tonight as i'm going to surprise my best friends.

They don'r know i'm here already, they think i'm getting here in three days becasue of my show but i got some more free time here ta spend woth them. I didn't even suggest the idea myself it was all lizzie, because she knows how much i miss them, and i live her for that. She's always there when i need her, she actually listens to me, she understands me and she trusts me. She's just like a mother, a bestfriend and a sister put together in my godmother. I mean she's somz sort of mother to me. Right? Well a better one than my real mom but i'm not dwelling on that when i'm about to walk up to my best friends front door.

I don't know why i'm nervous about this but i am. I knock twice and i hear her mom saying she's coming. Once she opened the door her eyes widened and her hand flew over her mouth. "Hello maria." I say and with teary eyes she swings her arms around me "madeline what afe you doing here?" She asks me and i smile "well my manager gave me some extra time here before my mast show so i decided to come and surprise you" i tell her and she smiles while the tears are now rolling down her cheeks. "It's a very nice surprise and i'm sure the two doofuses will love it" she says and i nod "they're upstairs" she tells me before i even ask her and i give her a big smile and a nod before going upstairs with blue following close behind me.

As i get closer to her bedroom i hear them arguing over a fame they're playing. "God mason you really fucking suck at this game" jade says and i hold my laughter. "Well i'm sorry i'm not as good as madeline" he defends himself and then i decide to show myself "that's not even a surprise no one is vetter than me" i say and both their heads snap over to me with wide eyes. "Oh my god!" They both scream and run over to my and tackle me to the ground with the impact of our bodies colliding in the hug. "I missed you guys" i tell them trying to hold back the tears, but as soon as they look up at me with tears rolling down their faces it's no use, mine starts rolling free.

It started getting late and we've been catching up all night. Apperantly i've missed quite a lot, jade has had a crappy boyfriend who cheated on her, mason has a new crush, the bitch of the school i went to wasn't even popular anymore and jade is talking to a new boy. So as you can see quite a lot. But i have my fair share in things to tell, like the fight with scarlett, how it's going with my dad and lizzie, how blue is doing and what happened between jackson and i. I didn't tell them about florence yet because i wanna make it official first. I already have the perfect idea for that and i'm actually pretty nervous about it. Ot's no secret that i'm bisexual but since i've became more popular i never said it out loud and i'm nervous about their reactions. I also hope that scarlett and chris will be okay with it, espacially scarlett since she's working with her, and i'm pretty sure lizzie already knows something's going on.

Later that night it was just jade and i and we were watching a movie while cuddling on her bed. It's something we always used to do back when i lived here, it's our tradition for a sleepover. Just when i was about to fall asleep my phone buzzed and i got a text from florence.

My sunFLOwer❤️🌻:

Goodnight darling,
miss you lots and hope to see you soon x

Goodnight flossie
miss you to and can't wait to hold you again x

I replied and ofcourse i had a smile on my face wich jade noticed "who are you texting and why are you smiling like that?" She asks me directly and i blush a bit at her question "it's florence" i numble and she gasps "florence pugh?" She asks me and i nod "oh my fucking god! What's going on between you two, i know that smile. You ike her!" She practically yells for the whole house. I slap her arm and shush her "god please be quiet. Ofcourse i fucking like her have you seen her, i mean she's a fucking godess. And before you start hitting me i didn't tell you and mason because i wanted to wait until i ask her to be my girlfriend okay?" I tell her and she nods with her mouth hanging open "okay i have to ask you one thing. What has already happened between you two?" She asks me and the rest of our time is filled with giggles and me as red as a tomato.

Ahhh i'm so excited in one of the next chapters madeline will ask florence!!!

I actually think it's a bit funny how hard i ship them together while i'm writing everything that happens between them. But i can't help it.

I hope you're doing fine 🤍

Till the next chapter babes <3

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