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Madeline POV

It's been a few weeks since 'fingers crossed' was released and it's been a huge succes. I've been working on some covers of songs clara keeps choosing for me. I've also hung out with florence a lot lately and everything is going great, i think i'm starting to really like her.

Then there's also scarlett. She's been acting a bit weird since the girls stayed over but she's trying to cober it up. It's bothering me that i know she wants to ask me something but she doesn't.

Right now it's just me and her sitting in the car since we went to get some starbucks. There's another uncomfortable scilence and i can't take it anymore "okay if you want to ask something just ask" i say and she looks at me confused "w-what there's nothing i want to ask" she says but her voice crack gave it away. "Really scarly ever since the girls stayed over you've been acting a bit off around me and i can't take it anymore" i tell her and she looks like she's debating whether or not to ask me. "Come on i can't take anymore of the uncomfortable scilences" i tell her and she sighs "okay fine. I overheard one of the girls asking you if you've kissed someone and i keep thinking who it could be" she says and i laugh a bit.

"Hey it's not funny i wanna know" she whines ans i laugh harder "no i'm sorry it is funny. You've been acting this weird about a kiss i had with someone" i say and i laugh "well are you going to tell me who it was?" She asks and i shake my head "nope i'm not saying anything untill i know it's serious" i tell her and she groans "come onnn. Can i at least get a hint?" She ask and i chuckle "pleaasseeee" she keeps begging in i sigh "fine. The only thing you're getting is that it's not a boy" i tell her and my eyes widen. Shit i just came out to my mom like that. She must've seen my panic and put a hand on my knee "hey baby it's fine that you like girls i'm not judging. You can like whoever you want to like" she says and that calms me down "thanks scarly it means a lot"

And with that this subject was settled, at least for now. I knwo she won't fully let go but i also know i won't tell her anything until it's serious with florence. I don't want to tell her and mess up with her because she's working with my mom.

Scarlett POV

When she told me it wasn't a boy i saw her panicking right away. She just came out like that. I placed my hand on her knee and told her it's fine if she likes girls and she calmed down.

We left the subject like that altough i couldn't stop myself from wondering if i know the girl. Is it one of her new friends? No it can't be because they wouldn't have talked about it like this. So it must be someone else, maybe someone she met in the studio? God i'm driving myself crazy thinking about it.

For my own good i stopped thinking about it and moved along with our day. We are on our way to the eye doctor because madeline is having some trouble reading and she might need glasses for that just like me. We don't know for sure yet but i already know she'll look so cute with glasses.

And as i tought she needs glasses for reading and writing. We bought two pairs of glasses so she can switch them sometimes. Madeline was really happy she doesn't need to wear them all the time because she doesn't want that. She thinks it doesn't look good and she's very insecure about herself, even tough i don't understand why. She's super pretty, her body is perfect, her hair is beautifull and very long and overall she looks like a model.

When we came home madeline went upstairs to work on something she's been working on for a while. It's something for lizzie's birthday she says and i don't get why she's already on it. Her birthday isn't until february and it's only september.

I don't know why it bothered me so much that she's already working on it. I mean it's actually none of my buisness as to when she starts working on it and what she's making. Maybe it's that pang of jealousy that shot trough me when she looked so excited about it, i don't know but o'm trying to keep myself from feeling to jealous.

So madeline came out like that...

What will scarlett do when she finds out who the mystery girl is?

Keep reading to find out.

Take care of yourself🤍

Till the nect chapter babes<3

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