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Madeline POV

I was proud of myself after having sex with florence. It really took a lot of me to not freak out in that very moment, and even tho i really wanted to my mind still tried to hold me back and remind me of what happened. Luckily i feel so safe woth florence and i had the courage to take that step when she told me she wouldn't touch me. Honestly it went better than i thought but i wasn't ready for my turn, it reminded me a little to much of mr.Benson and his stupid friends.

I must've been tired afterwards because i woke up almost an hour later, cuddled into florence's side. I sat up and i looked at her, my eyes immediatly fell to the heart i made with hickies on her colar bone. A smile crept onto my face and i took my phone from the nightstand and took a picutre of her cute sleeping face and one of the heart of hickies. While i was taking pictures i took some more of us, she cuddled closer without knowing what i was doing and that made a really cute pic.

Eventually both of us got up and dressed. Flo had somewhere she needed to be and i decided to visit lizzie. It's been a while scince i last saw her and i really need to update her on what news is going on in my life. As flo and i were walking down to my car she opened my door for me and i wrapped my arms around her neck "bye angel" i say and i give her a kiss "bye love . I'll see you tomorrow" she says before giving me another kiss. We separate ways and i start driving with a stupid happy grin on my face.

The drive was around fifteen minutes and i got there quicker than i thought i would. I rang the doorbell and a minute later robbie opened the door "hey mads long time no see" he greets me with a smile and i nod "yeah i know. I've been busy, is lizzie at home?" I ask and he nods "yeah she's in the garden. You can just go and find her" he says and i smile "thanks robbie" i say as i'm already inside the house.

Once i get putside i see her standing with her little plants. I move closer and once she sees me her face lights up. "God momi have so much to tell you" i say before wrapping my arms around her. I notice she's frozen in her place and i pull back a bit "uhm did i say something?" I ask and she nods "you just called me mom" she answers and my smile drops. 'Shit i fucked up' was all i thought as i felt panic rising inside of me. "I'm sorry. I- i didn't notice, an- and, god i'm so stupid" i stutter as i look down at my hands and i start picking the skin around my nails. She places her hands over mine and i look up to see her smiling at me "it's okay little monkey. I actually like it when you call me that because i see you as my daughter" she says and i look dumbfolded. "You don't have to call me that because i know scarlett is your realy mom but i'm just saying you can if you want to" she reassures me and i nod. "Yeah, okay. That's good, that's really good. So can we now go sit and talk. I have a lot to tell you" i say and she nods.

We moved to the lounge and sat down facing eachother. I was thinking about where to start because i have a lot to tell her and i don't know where to start. "What do you need to tell me monkey?" She asks snd i chuckle "i have so much to tell you so i'm going to start with dad's new girlfriend" i say and she looks shocked

"so appearantly he has been dating alycia debnam-carey for almost three months now, and i found out almost a month ago" i say and she looks at me with an open mouth. I explained to her how i found out and how they and i reacted to it. "Then next is that i've recored a song together with scarlett, we've been doing well scince a couple if weeks and it's really going good" i tell her and she nods "oh i knew. Scarlett won't shut up about is and how happy she is you're calling her scarly again. It's really cute to see honestly" she says and i chuckle.

"Okay and than the last one. Florence and i had sex this afternoon" i blurt out and her eyes go wide "oh, wow, okay. I wasn't expecting that but okay. How was it?" She asks and i smile "it was good. I was ready for it but she didn't return because i wasn't ready yet" i tell her and she nods. "I knew i was ready but i still started overthinking until she told me she wouldn't touch me if i didn't want her to. And then i looked in her eyes and i just felt to safe. But i'm not ready to have her do the same to me because i still think about him" i say and she looks a bit confused at the end "him? Him who?" She asks and my eyes widen as i realise i haven't told her yet. Before i can answer her she speaks up again "don't even think about lying okay. If you don't want to tell me it's fine but i rather you say that then you coming up with a lie" she tells me and i nod.

I take a deep breath and look her in the eyes "i think i'm ready to tell you. Most of it, maybe all but i don't know yet" i say and she nods.

Here goes nothing.

Hi giys i'm sorry i've been gine so long but i'll try to make it up with a few chapters.

Kind of a filler chapter but i needed it to get to the next one so yeah.

I hope you know you're totally worth it🤍

Till the next chapter babes<3

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