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Madeline POV

It was almost midnight and i was still enjoying the feeling. I was looking through the photo's and video's the photographers made and there were really nice pics in it. I chose the best ones and sent them to lizzie and dad because i promised them along with some video's. My phone kept blowing up with notifications from people who tagged me on their instagram stories and i reposted as much of them as i could.

At some point i felt myself growing really tired and i got ready to sleep.

The next morning i got up pretty late and we decided to get brunch somewhere around here. And as i was waiting for the rest to get ready i opened my phone. It was nice seeing that all of them enjoyed yesterday as much as i did. And all was good until i stumbled across an article that i knew would cause some more trouble.

Scarlett POV

Last night i was thinking about sending her a goodluck text but i knew she's ignore me so i didn't. I knew she was doing great because she's so god damn tallented, but she's oh so insecure.

I had some trouble falling asleep but managed to sleep pretty decent. The next morning i opened my phone immediatly to see the pictures from yesterday and the first thing i saw was an article.


When i saw that i almost pushed my finger through my phone to open it.

Madeline Evans-Johansson did not only show us her talent but also her new tattoo. Did she get this illegal and is this her only one?

When i looked at the picture and saw her tatto i got angry. She got a fucking tattoo without me knowing. Did chris know or did she do it without consent? God it makes me so mad i didn't know shit about this.

I decide against freaking out on her or chris and go ask jackson if he knows something first. Maybe she informed him or their friends. I don't know it's worth a shot.

When i knocked on his door it didn't take ling for him to open it "hi baby i just wanted to ask you something" i tell him and he nods for me to go on "i was wondering if you'd heard anything from your sister?" I ask him and he shakes his head "no. Why?" He asks me and i sigh "she got a tattoo and i don't know if chris knew about it or not" i tell him and he frowns. "Well what do you want me to do about it?" He asks a bit short and i'm taken back by it "nothing. I mean i thought you could ask your friends but never mind it doesn't matter" i brush it off quickly. I've noticed he gets mad whenever madeline get's brought ip in the conversation. What doesn't help is colin not being able to shut up about her. I mean it's good that he cares so much and i love him for that but now isn't the time.

The whole time i keep wondering about her tattoo's and it's slowly driving me crazy. I don't dare to call her or chris because i know they won't answer me, and i'm not in the mood to get an earfull from an angry lizzie so i'm waiting for the media to deny or confirm whether or not it's true. I know i shouldn't really believe them but it's my only shot right now.

Madeline POV

As we're going out for lunch, i know it was supposed to je be brunch but they took to long to get ready, we we're spotted by some paps. They wasted no time getting closer and started shouting questions. The only one i heard repeatadly was 'are your tatto's illegal?' And i knew it was a good moment to adress it.

"No my tatto's aren't illegal. I got them the day before i left for tour in NY. My dad and friends we're with me along with my two dogs. Also my dad gave me permission to get these pawprints from my dogs, a matching one with my friends and the date of my first tour" i tell them and show them the tattoo's while talking. They got pictures from all of them and i waved them off before leaving.

I really hope it clears some things up and that scarlett won't get mad at dad. I know how she get's and i honestly don't want her to ruin her relationship with him to. I decide to help dad a bit and send her a text.

Me :
Don't get mad at dad because i kept asking him to get the tattoo's . There was nothing he could've done to stop me from getting them and i'd rather did it with his consent than without. Just want to let you know that what the internet is saying isn't true and you'd actually hear it from me instead.

As i'm reading it i chuckle to myself. I've never written a text this formal, let alone to someone other than my previous teachers.

When i get a reply from her my plan for her not to get mad is thrown out of the window.

Scarlett :

That was all i got and i knew he was fucked as of that moment.

Scarlett POV

On the internet the we're assuming various things about them and i was dying to know the truth.
Jackson hasn't spoken to me all day so he's also no help in this and i'm litteraly going crazy here.

When i got the text from madeline saying chris knew i was mad, really mad. I mean he knows how i feel about smoking and tattoo's and yet he let her get one.

The thing that drove my psycho mad was the fact that she called him dad.


A simple word to many, but an important title to a parent. And with that came the realisation that i might never get my own title from her, my little girl, the one i love more than anything on this world, the one i want close to me at all times, the one i lost by a stupid mistake, and the one i might never get back.

Tattoo drama 😗✌🏻

What will scarlett do? And is she overreacting?

Big fight? Or no fight at all?

Keep reading to find out.

I hope you're doing great today and make sure you eat and drink enough🤍

Till the next chapter babes <3

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