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Scarlett POV

I haven't seen florence ever since she went upstairs to talk to madeline and i got curious about where she was. I walk upstairs and heard them laughing in the hallway and i wanted to know what they are laughing about but i decide not to listen because i don't want another fight with my daughter.

The rest of the night i kept thinking about what they could be laughing about and it was eating me up on the inside. "Okay what's wrong?" Lizzie asked me "is it that obvious?" I ask her back "yes so spill what's up" she answers. "Okay so flo has been upstairs with madeline all night and i heard them laughing really hard about something and i want to know what it is and it's bugging me" i tell her and she laughs "you're jealous that your fifteen year old daughter is laughing and getting along with someone who is only three years older than her" she says and laughs again. "It's not funny liz, i don't know what to do about my jealousy because it's really getting out of hand. I'm jealous on my eightteen year old co-star that's not healthy" i tell her and she nods "well atleast you know the problem, you just got to work on it." She says "oh and speaking of mads why haven't i seen my monkey downstairs she knows i'm here right?" She asks me and the guilt fills me and she saw my expression "you didn't tell her i was here?" She asks and i shake my head "scarlett what the hell? Why didn't you tell her?" She asks again and i feel so stupid. "It's stupid but i didn't wznt to see her with you all night again because i'm to jealous of how good you two get along" i answer honestly. "Oh scar please you can't just do that, that's not fair of you. Kust because you're to jealous doesn't mean you can keep us apart." She says and i feel the tears fill my eyes "look scar i'm not mad but you can't do that anymore. And i also know ot's hard for you that madeline is acting like this so i'll talk to her next time and convice her to give you another chance but i can't promise anything. And if she does give you a chance don't fuck up again" she tells me and i nod.

Later in the evening eveyone said goodbye and lizzie decided to stay over tonight since we have to get to set together tomorrow.

Madeline POV

Flo and i talked and luaghed the whole time until she had to leave. I cleaned up my drawings because i never know who will come into my room and i got ready for bed. When i walked out of my bathroom i saw someone laying in my bed "hello stranger i haven't seen ypu alk night" lizzie says and i run over and jump on top of her " i didn't know you were here tonight" i tell her and she nods "i know monkey your mom didn't tell you" she says and i frown "why didn't she tell me?" I ask her and she chuckles well your mom was to jealous to see us together the whole night so she didn't tell you." She answers and i laugh a little "she's really jealous isn't she" i say and lizzie nods "well kiddo i'm sorry to start this conversation but i promised your mom i would so i have to. I know you don't really get along woth her and she fucked up her first chance but she's really sorry and she wants to build a relationship with you so could you please try to give her another chance for me?" She asks me and i sigh. Yes she did fuck up, mutliple times, and we do fight often, and honestly i want to give her another chance but i don't know yet. "I'll think about it okay" i tell her and she nods "she really wants your relationship to work out and i told her she has to work for it" she numbles in my hair and i nod "goodnight auntie liz" i say "goodnight little monkey" she says and kisses the top of my head and i drift to sleep happy, i met florence pugh and i'm in the arms of my godmother. What more could i want?

Okay so this i a little shorter chapter but i didn't want to write more in here because it would be to long otherwise.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day🤍

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