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Madeline POV

Today is game day against the rivals and it's a big deal, i'm playing tonight and i feel like i've never been in better shape. Ofcourse i eaie up late today because i couldn't be bothered to attend relegion forst period and as if it isn't bad enough i had maths after that and science in the afternoon so i think you can guess what'll happen. School starts at 8:15 and i woke up at that time. I got ready and arrived at school just in time for 10 minutes of religion and i think it's safe to say i didnmt even last 10 minutes in class. Mext was maths and before i could open my book the teacher had alrwady made a snarky comment on my outfit, wich was just a black crop top and white high waisted ripper jeans, and i answered back and got sent out. During break i met up with my stupid other half and our teo best friends. Jade and i have been inseprable since we were three, we met in kindergarten and stayed together ever since. Jackson and madon met when we were almost five, he introduced us and the four of us instantly clicked. Ever since then we've been the fantastic four, but not so fantastic to others because we're pains in your ass. "I don't know what it is but i have this weird gutfeeling that something is going to happen today" i tell them and jackson gives me this weird look like i'm crazy or something. "I'm sure it's nothing" he says and i nod and try to shake that feeling.

After a looonnngg rest of the day ot's time for the game, i'm a bit nervous but most of all exited about beating them. We changed and were busy warming up, jack and i were running together around the field, jade and mason were on the bleachers and anna arrived with two other people i didn't recognize. I looked iver at jack and saw him with the same expression but we both shrugged it off and got ready for the match.

We did our special handshake and we started the game, they started with the ball but our team took the ball from them, i got the pass and ran for my life i crossed the field and saw my brother free and just as i was about to pass him the ball he got tackled. I went for the goal and scored but i just ran to my brother. He was okay but the dickhead who did that has this stupid grin on his face and all i want to do is smack it away. "You should realy start watching where you run." He says in the fakest tone ever and that's it. I go forward to hit him " ay what did you say" i ask "oh boo you need ypur babysister to defend you" he says with a fake pout and i put back my arm, my hand in a fist ready to take a swing but my brother takes my arm "just let him be" he says and walks away. "Yeah walk away just like your parents did from you two" he says and i realy need to stop myself from punching the shit out of him. Even if i wanted to so bad i can't because i'll be disqualified and i wanna play.

Scarlett POV

My heart completely melted when i saw then do their handshake before the gane that was absolutely adorable. Then my little girl scored and my boy got tackled. Mads went over directly and she looked mad after the other one opened his mouth, i realy winder what he said. Then she was about to hit him wich took me by surprise and when they walked away i could see that boys mouth moving and i wanted to know what he said because both mads and jack's fists were clenched.

Jackson POV

When he said that last thing i felt all my anger boiling up inside of me and i just wanted to punch him but i didn't. Instead we started playing again and before the break we were winning. Mads and i gathered at the bleachers with jade and mason, they were telling us how good we did and the others sucked. Just a minute before the break was over anna came to us with these two people behind her. I looked at mads and all i saw was confusion and fear as well, i mean she didn't know these people so i guess she could be scared. "There are my little rockstars" she says while wrapping her arms around us. Then she looks at mads as if she was going to say something "don't even start annabelle i know you saw it and i did nothing wrong so don't even start" maddi days cutting her off. We all knew there was a period where maddi had some teouble controlling her anger but she was better now. Then i see her looking at the others "i fon't mean to be rude but who are they?" She asks while nodding her head in their direction. And just as anna opens her mouth to answer break is over and we're needed back on the field. "Go get em" anna says woth a proud smile, mads and i give them a wave and a smile and we run on the field.

Madeline POV

The rest of the game went okay, we just had to score this goal and we would win. They started passing and jack and i made sure we were free. The ball was passed to jackson and he was running faster than the flash. Right before the goal he pretended to shoot but gave me a pass instead so i had free goal because the keeper was on the ground. I kick the ball and it goes in. I run up to jackson to celebrate and the team joins us, the crowd was going wild they were screaming and jumping. But then we see the guy from earlier walk up to us with this stupid grin on his face again and i already want to hit him. "You're licky you score otherwise your team would leave you just like your parents did you pathetic orphan" he says, and that's the moment i lost it. Within a second my fist hit his nose with much force, blood started to poor out of it, gasps were heard from all over the place, worried looks were sent in my direction but all i felt was anger. "Next time will be way worse than this" i spit in his direction and i walk off. I knew anna was going to be mad but he shouldn't have said that. I saw anna and that couple waiting for us so i turned to my godzilla ass brother "you comming or what?" I ask him and he jogs behind me.

When we reach anna i could see the dissapointment on her face "what was that all about?" She asks "be happy i didn't do worse i'm sick and tired of everyone bringing up us being orphans and that our parents left us." I say anger stil filling my voice but i saw the expression of the couples faces change when i said that. "At least we won" my stupid other half speaks up trying to brighten the mood. I let out a small chuckle "okay but comming back on my question from the break who are they?" I ask anna. She looks at the couple and takes a big sigh amd says "these are your birthparents"

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