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Madeline POV

I walked to the door and saw colin and scarlett, but no jackson. My smile dropped a bit but i quickly recovered it. I walked up to colin and straight into his open arms. I put my head in his neck and breathed in his comforting scent. He smells like woods and citrus, just like dad only that dad's scent smells not like citrus but like pine needle, just woodsy and i like that the resemble a bit. "He couldn't come could he?" I ask him quietly and he sighs "i'm sorry sweetie" he whispers back and i nod in his chest. We pull apart and he gives me a smile. I turn to the side and i see scarlett looking at us with jealousy written all over her. Lizzie was saying something to her, my guess is to try and calm her down, but it wasn't working so to my surprise i walked over to her and wrapped her in my arms. She immediatly relaxed and put her head on top of mine and she smelled me i think. I pulled away way quicker than i did with colin but i couldn't help it, it was still weird hugging her after all that has happened.

They moved to the dining room and i saw my chance to get away and go i to the kitchen so i did. I was finishing dinner and lizzie came to check on me but i told her it was okay.

Scarlett POV

When colin came home and told me we were invited to dinner at chris' house i was surprised. Today was the day they came back, i knew that, and suddenly colin was gone this morning. I know he went to see them at the airport because there are many photo's all over the internet from their emotional reunion. When i saw them jealousy filled my whole body because he gets to be close to her and i don't. With him everything seems to go so easily but i can't seem to do anything right. I envy him, chris and lizzie for their relationship with madeline because it should be me she's holding onto, i'm her mama and i really need her.

I decided to get ready before i could drown further in my jealousy. I picked a nice blouse with some dress pants and colin matched his outfit with mine like he does most of the time.

I was nervous to say at least because i haven't seen her scince we talked in chicago and i don't want it to be awkward. Before i knew we were already there. Colin got out of the car and opened the passenger door for me like he always does. I got out of the car and took a deep breath before walking over to the door.

Lizzie let us in and after a minute madeline came out of the kitchen, her smile dropped for a bit when she looked our way but she recovered quickly. She then walked into colins arms and held him tight, i could see colin telling her something but i didn't know what. It was absolutely driving me insane and i'm sure you could smell the jealousy off me. Lizzie tried to calm me down a couple of times but all i could do was stare at them while the jealousy inside me grew to a level i didn't knew excisted. Eventually they pulled apart and gave eachother a smile. Then madeline looked my way and it was like time stopped for me, i didn't know what to do, what to say, if i should do or say anything. But that all went away when madeline wrapped her arms around me. I was surprised to say at least but i quickly relaxed and put my head on top of hers. I took in her rosey scent, it calmed me down a lot but almost as quickly as she came, she was gone.

We then went to the dining room and i saw six plates, i started thinking to myself for who the other plate was because we are only five people. Then florence came into the room and once her eyes met mine a look of nervousness came across her face. It was weird and she only said a quick hello before dissapearing into the kitchen.

A couple of minutes later they came out with the food, she quickly took her place inbetween colin and florence, and without even wanting it that feeling of jealousy was there once again. I shook it off and took place at the table.

It started off awkward, no one said anything. Then i decided to break the scilence. "So madeline how was oxford?" I asked her "it was really nice being there again. I missed the place and the people. It was the best place of the tour that i've been" she answers and with that last scentence she takes a small glance at florence who smiles at her. I don't know what happened there or if there is something going on between these two but i want to know. Before i could ask anything else she was in conversation with colin and florence. I talked to lizzie for a bit asking her how it went but i was actually more focused on her. Colin said something to make her laugh, she has the most beautifull laugh that i've ever heard. It's to bad she doesn't really laugh that often when i'm around. Lizzie must've noticed me staring at her and spoke up "look staring at her like that won't help anything. You gotta talk to her if you want her to talk to you. When you came to chicago you told her you'd try your very best, so talk to her and be there for her. But also don't overstep and give her space when she needs it" she tells me and i give her a tight lipped smile. How does everyone know how to talk to my daughter except for me?

Protective liz has my heart

I hope you're all soing great
Till the next chapter babes <3

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