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Madeline POV

I haven't talked to jackson since saturday and to annabelle since friday. I don't even know for sure shat day it is but i think it's thursday. As usual i wake up when i should've been in school already but it's not like the teachers mind. When i'm not there they can teach in peace but with me there it's like they have to fight in the world war. I would say i'm not that bad but that would make me a liar. And i'd say my mom didn't raise me to be a liar but she didn't raise me at all so jokes on me. I decided to annoy my teachers a bit more with my outfit, they didn't like crop tops so i put one on, they despise ripped jeans so i wear jeans with whole gaps in it an they don't like dirty shoes so wel i wear shoes that were supposed to be white. I checked my outfit and tbh i look good ant then i make my way to school.

The moment i enter the classroom i see the teacher scanning my outfit and i smirk and do a little twirl and show of my shoes. That made the entire class laugh and i could tell the teacher was already annoyed. Five minutes and tweny sarcastic comments later i'm sent out of class and i'm happy about it. And just when i'm making my way to miss Dumoulins room i hear it "could madeline harper come to the principals office" okay what the fuck happened i never get in trouble for getting sent out because my grades are better than last year so i don't get it.

When i open the door i ser the principal "am i in trouble for getting sent out again i tought it wasnnt a problem as long as my grades were fine?" I ask her and than i take a moment to look atound and i se three people i don't want to see. "Why are they here" i ask her "well i want you to give your parents a tour of this school so they know where you're spending time learning. She says and i don't want to do that. "Yeah no i'm gonna pass i think science sounds vetter at this point and i realy hate science" i say trying to get out of it "maddi you're already sent out and if you do this you wont get in trouble for getting sent out all the time" she says and i groan "fine but just because i don't want problems" i say and i walk out of the office with three people behind me like lost puppy's.

When we reach the end of the halway i turn and face them "so annabelle since i'm still incredibly mad at you it hink it's fair you give them the tour and i just do my thing" i try and then miss Dumoulins voice sounds "maddi you're not getting out of this one" she says while walking up to us. Just great i think to myself " hi i'm miss Dumoulin i'm the only teacher that doesn't annoy your daughter" she says with a smile "well your on your way to annoy me right now" i tell her with a fake smile "ah come on miss grumpy pants don't be lien that i'm your favourite and we both know it" she says making me smile "yeah you're right you are my favourite." I tell her and we both smile. "So how bout we do this tour together and i'll do most of the speaking about you and your dumb stories all around this building" she says and i laugh "yeah that's okay but please don't tell them the most embarassing ones i told you never to tell anyone" i plead and she nods.

After the tour it's tile for lunch and jackson, jade and mason have joined us. We were just talking when my belly started rumbling " i hear some one is hungry how about we get out of here to get you something to eat" chris says and i donnt know why but i'm not as mad at chris like i am at scarlett. Maybe it's because i always dreamed about having a mother and craving the affection they're supposed to give but it just is like this. "Only if we can get pizza from this place downtown. They probably already know inm not comming back this afternoon." I tell him woth a smal smile and he smiles and shales his head "what about you jackson" he asks and before he can day anything i speak up "yeah that'll be a problem mister golden boy never misses a class and he's also forced to go to keep his grades up to keep his spot on the soccer team so it seems like ot's just us" i tell him and his smile grows "i think i can live with that. C'mon little troublemaker" he says while putting his arm around my shoulder. At first i flinch a little an tens up but i relax after a few seconds.

Chris POV

I was very surprised she wanted to come with us without her brother but i didn't mind. I don't think she knows about us getting custody and wanting to take them home with us after school's done. We have to tell her but i don't want to do it and ruin what we're starting to build. The ride was filled woth madeline singin quietly and humming along the songs while giving me directions. She hasn't aknowledged scarlett yet and i can see it's bothering scar that she's talking to me and not her. We come to a stop and she walk in front of us leading us to the place scar leand closer to me to tell me something. "We have to tell her about the custody thing so she has time to accent it" she whispers and i knwo she's right but i donnt want to do it right now.

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