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Madeline POV

It has already been a week since florence left and we haven't even discussed the kiss. I mean she seemed to like and and i liked it but i don't know what this means for us and i'm going a little crazy. Maybe it's also because i miss her and i want a hug from her or because i'm emotional and on my period.

Work in the studio has also been going great we recorded another 2 songs eich are launching tomorrow with the music video, a lot of people also pre-saved it on spotify so i was shocked thst they are waiting for my music. 'All i want' has alo ober 2,5 million vieuw and that's just crazy. It's also number one in the hit list this week and imm so proud of myself and happy woth my life right now. Clara said if we keep this up i'll be giving concerts within the next few months.

Rose also got home a few days ago and she's energetic as always. Sometimes she's a little to wild around blue and gets a growl from her, but most of the time blue sticks by my side and comes along everywhere i go. Jackson has been outside much lately with some new friends he made and i'm happy for him, he always had a hard time making new friends when i was woth him so it was even harder without me. Scarlett was working a lot more than in the beginning and when she is home she spends most of her time with rose and i get it, she lives her more than me and i'll never be enough. So we took a few steps back, i fon't talk to her that much because we spend so little time together she doesn't even notice the change in my behavior. Then there is colin, he's working but less than scarlett, i don't think he likes me because he doesn't try to talk or do things woth me. He's just being civil and to be honest i don't mind, i don't really mike him but i also don't hate him. He makes scarlett happy so that's okay for me. And last there are three people who put in an effort to spend time with me. Chris, lizzie and robert. They talk to me evryday, make time for me and they even do things with me. I know they are busy people and they don't have to make time gor me but they still fo and that's what makes the time we spend together do special to me.

Today is one of those special days where scarlett is at home, not that it makes any big changes for me she doesn't want to be around me anyways. So roght now i'n laying on my bed with my guitar on top of me trying to find the perfect melody for my new song 'favourite crime'. I was making progres and bust as i'm about to writ down the notes rose storms into my room and jumps on top of me and my hand gets twisted under her "aah! Shit that hurts" i whince as i hold my hand, not even a second later scarlet runs inside the room "what did you do i heard a scream?!" She spits at me. "Uhm excuse me i did nothing it's your daughter who jumped on my bed and twisted my hand thank you very much for your concern." I tell her and i see her face filling with anger at my comment "there's no way rose would do that op purpose" she says and i scoff "did i ever say it was on purpose. Look at you what kind of mother are you your child is sitting here with her swollen hand and you're arguing about me accuising your daughter. Wow good job scarlett, you can say you love me or care for me but i always say actions speak louder than words and your actions keep proving me wrong" i say and i brush past her down to the kitchen and get some ice for my hand.

I immediatly called lizzie after our fight and she's coming to get me, i hope soon. Scarlett keeps trying to appolohise but i keep ignoring her. Just as she was going to sit down next to me the doorbell rings and i get up and leave with lizzie. "What happened monkey?" She asks when we get in the car "rose jumped on my bed and twisted my hand" i answer her "and with scarlett?" She asks again "she got mad at me because she tought i hurt rose and than told me i accused her for doing it on purpose. Wich i didn't do by the way." I anwser her and i can see her thinking about it. "I didn't do anything wrong did i?" I ask her unsure of my actions "no you didn't monkey you just defended yourself" she says and we drive to the hospital.

The doctor said it was nothing bad but i still had to wear a brace for a few weeks. I'm glad i donnt need a cast because that would be horrible, at least now i can still play my instruments.

I'm sorry for this horrible filler chapter. I know it's bad but i think this is better than a big time jump but maybe you think otherwise.

Anyways have a great day and take care of yourself🤍

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