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Madeline POV

Today was relaxing, i texed scarlett so she wouldn't be concerned, i got my slushie special and i made misic. Mason was there and we fooled around a bit and recorded a duet. I realy wanted to let jackson hear it but i remembered i'm mad at him. Right now i'm on my skateboard heading hole with more than half a slushie in my hand. When i get hole i open the garage to put my skateboard in there and i enter the kitchen woth the door that connects it to the garage. "I'm back" i say loud enough for them to hear "in the living room" chris answers and when i enter i see them all cuddled up an the couch like a happy family. A sudden wave of sadness flows trough me and i turn around and i got to my room.

Jackson POV

I saw her face change when she saw us cuddling on the couch and she just wnet upstairs. This was my chance to go talk to her "i'll go talk to her" i say and i get up. I knock on her door and i hear a faint come in. When i open the door she's sitting at her desk drawing "hey you okay?" I ask her and she nods "i'm fine" she tells me and i know it's a lie. "Look i'm slrry for ignoring yoour wants and needs but i think it's for the best. At meast now we have actual nice rooms and chris and scarlett realy care and they want us to feel home" i tell her and she turns to face me. "Well maybe they should've tought about is when we were little. They shoudln't have to be trying so hard right now and maybe this is the right descision you've made but it's about the way you've handled things." She starts "today mason and i recorded a duet, it's pretty good actualy. The first thing i tought was 'jackson realy needs to hear this' but then i remembered i was still mad at you. I hate the fact that i'm mad at ypu because wothout you i got no one else to share my things with. Right now i forgive you but don't ever do shilt like that again." She tells me with tears in her eyes and i walk over and wrap her in a hug. "I'm sorry for doing this to you and i promise from now on i'll respect your wishes okay" i tell her and she nods. "Okay why don't we listen to that duet of yours" i day and her face lights up. "Wait here i'll get my phone out of my jacket it's downstairs." She tells me and she runs off.

Madeline POV

I'm running sownstairs to get my phone but onve i get there i'm met with two confused looks "i'm just getting my phone to let jackson hear something" i tell them and i run to the kitchen. "What are you letting him hear?" scarlett asks. "Oh just something our friends sent me" i tell her. I don't want them to know about my song because it's not good enough for them, i mean they're crazy talented and i can't compare to that. "oh okay"She says and i don't think she believes me but i shrug it off and run back upstairs. When i get back in my room i find jackson looking trough my sketchbook "bro i know you have like the biggest crush on florence pugh but i didn't know you drew her" he says superloud and i give him a smack on the head. "Ouch what was that for" he asks "you idiot could you say it any louder. You know scarlett knows florence because she's going to work with her" i tell him and he makes an 'oohh' face. "Hey but i gotta say these drawings are all realy good. You're realy talented" he says and that makes me smile. "Thaks jack that means a lot to me" i day and we share a hug. I walk over to my bed and he comes sitting down next to me. "Okay so this is like a first version, we tought about doing it again but he had to go so this is what we got" i tell him and i put it on. It's train wreck by james arthur, i play the piano during the song and i was realy proud for not even making one mistake.

After the song jackson and i would watch some movies together in my room so while he picks i go downstairs to grab some snacks. When i walj down the stairs i see both of them looking at me with this weird expressions on their face i cannt realy place. I walk to the litchen to grab some snacks and they just follow without saying anything. "Okay this silence is making me kinda uncomfortable. Is there something you need?" I ask and they nod "well school is done in like five weeks but some of our close friends can't wait that ling to meet you two again and we're wondering if you're okay with them comming over soon?" Chris asks with a smile "we already asked your brother and he doesn't mind" scarlett says. Ofcourse they already told him everything and i'm last to know. After all he's tha child they want and i just come along with him. "Yeah sure" i tell them and i grab the snacks and walk away fas because i can feel the tears staring go form in my eyes and i'm doubting this all again. Is this, giving them a chance and living with them a good idea or am i only gonna end up hurt again.

Jackson and i are watching a move and i don't even know wich one it is because my mind won't stop racing. I'm overthinking this whole thing wich makes me think about how many times i've been hurt. There are three types of being hurt. There's the physical being hurt, this type of hurt is one themat everyone can see, and surprisingly this type mostly isnnt the one that hurts the most. Then there's also mentally hurt, wich i know all to well comes on the second place of the types of hurt that hurt the most. This one doesn't stop so easily becasue you can't control when you turn your mind off or when you'll forget or move past this kind of hurt. Sometimes the things that hirt you mentally are going to stay with you forever but soletimes it won't and you can only hope for the best. And lastly there's being emotionally hurt, one i've been trough way to much for a fifteen year old. This one i started feeling at a very young age when i started missing my mama more and more and i kept hopeing she would come back for me. On every bithday and on every shooting star i wished for her to care enough to come back, if not for me than for my twin brother because he was having a hard time as well. Then there was every birthday we've ever had because we had not parents to sing us happy birthday or throw us a party or give us our birthday hugs. Another time inve been emotionaly hurt was when mr. Benson started hitting jackson for the first time, his screams and cries have scared me forever. Then there was this time i had a boyfriend, i was 13 and he was 19. Looking back at all of that roght now there were some things he did that weren't right ,and the things that i did because i wanted him to be mine so badly, they just weren't right. And then there are the times i hurt myself emotionally by overthinking. All of them are bad but the last one is the worst because getting hurt emotionally can cause more damage than any physical hurt in the world.

I didn't realise i was stuck in my head for so long until i heard scarlet calling us down for dinner. With all of these toughts fresh in my mind i didn't wanna go downstairs but my stupid dinosaur of a brither pulled my out of bed and i fell. "YOU STUPID DINOSAUR YOU BETTER MAKE SURE I DON'T GET TO YOU WITHIN THE NEXT MINUTES OR YOU'LL BE IN A CAST FOR SIX WEEKS!" I scream while he's anready running away.

Because i couldn't update yesterday because i was working the whole day i tought i'd give you two chapters today🙃

This is a pretty long chapter but i wanted to give away a little bit of what happened in their lives while growing up.

I hope you guys are liking the story so far

And have a good day🤍

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