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Madeline POV

It's mid october now, scarlett has been busy with filming, colin has more and more work for SNL, rose is just back frol her dads and jackson has been stressed about school pately. I've noticed him smoking more and more and i'm scared he'll get caught sometime.

Once i went into his room and he was just standing there with a cigarette. What if ti had been scarlett or chris, they would go crazy if they saw that.

Things between scarlett and i are going better and better everyday, she's trying and that's all i ask from her. I get that she's busy and stressed about filming but we still spend little moments together and sometimes she sleeps with me insead of colin. He told me once he doesn't mind that he's got the bed to himself because scarlett can take a lot of space but when she sleeps with mee all we do is cuddle and over half of the bed if still free.

Today chris is taking jackson to play some sports or something, i don't really know, and lizzie is taking me somewhere. She doesn't wanna tell me where we're going, all she told me was that i didn't need to dress up because we're changing over there and i'm really curious right now.

We got to a big building and i got a little anxious because i don't know where we are and what to expect. Lizzie takes my hand and gives it a squeeze "it's okay monkey you'll like what we're going to do and who you're going to see" she says and i relax because i trust her. If she says it'll be okay than it will be.

We go into an elevator and than we walk into an office and when i see who's inside my eyes go wide "oh my god" i say wide eyed and i turn to lizzie and she has the bigges smile on her face "surprise mokey" she laughs and i look over to them and they smile at me. "Hey i'm madeline. It's so nice to meet you two, i love your work" i teel them and i hear lizzie chuckle besides me. "A little warning would be nice next time you know i live your sisters" i tell her and they starts laughing "it's nice to meet you madeline. Lizzie has told us a lot about you and she was right, you're perfect for this" ashley says and MK nods. "Can you tell them apart?" Lizzie asks me and i scoff "duh ofcourse i can and tou know it. I'm like their bigges fan" i answer and she smiles at me. "Okay let's begin shall we" MK says and i just follow them.

We spent the whole day modeling for their new line, i did solo shoots and some together with lizzie or some other models. We got along great but they weren't the type of people i'd be friends with. At some point lizzie showed the twins some video's of my singing and told them i was good at drawing. They were all really nice and they told me i was a natural for modeling. I really liked doing it, i like being in front of the camera in general, if it's for modeling of singing or a music video i don't mind. Altough acting has never been my thing and i don't want to do it.

I was looking around in their studio while lizzie was talking with them and saw some outfits that weren't ready yet. Some are better than others and then i saw one that stood out to me. It was in the back corner, a colrofull suit but it missed something. I looked at the sketch that was in front of it and i got and idea. There was some fabric around and i took some pieces and put them together with some pins and made a small top out of it. I carefully put it under the jacket and put it all back. I took a step back to look at it and it was already a lot better but still not complete. I looked around and saw some diamonds laying around. I carefully placed them around and did my thing unaware of the three olsens watching me from behind.
When i was ready with the diamonds it looked "perfect" i heard someone saying and turned around to see them standing there. Shit there was my panic again, maybe i shouldn't have touched anything. That's actually kinda rude without permission so i did the first thing i could think about, apologising. "I'm so sorry, i know i shouldn't have touched anything let alone change something about one you your outfits. I don't really know what came over me. I'm so sorry" i apologised but they stood there smiling at me "mads it's totally fine. We're not mad at all." Ashley says and i frown "but i-" i started and MK cut me off "no buts. We've been trying to figure out what was missing about this suit for god knows how long and you made it perfect." She says and i smile "are you serious?" I ask and they nod. "Look you might not remember this at all but when you were little lizzie used to take you here and you were always so mesmerized by the outfits. We we're always so proud that we were your cool aunts" ashley says and at that last part my eyes go wide. "You are my aunts?" I ask them and they nod "that's so cool oh my god!" I scream and jump into their arms causing them to laugh.

Lizzie and i are going home and on the way i get a call from clara. I put it on speaker like i always do when i'm with lizzie "yow yow, mads and lizzard on the phone" i greet her and hear her laugh at the other end of the line "hey shortstuff i got some amazing news for you" she says and i get excited "ooohh tell me please" i say and she takes a deep breath before speaking up "well since you already have a good amount of songs out i booked some places for you to sing and you're going on tour!" She says and i al completely shocked. Lizzie starts screaming ans squealing out of joy while i'm just speechless "that's amazing. Thankyou so much" i say and than lizzie interupts "where does she go and when does she leave?" She asks and that are some good questions "well you're playing all over the states and as special ending i got you a place in oxford" she says and that's amazing "oh my god i can't wait. When do i start?" I ask her "you're leaving in four days to LA. There you'll habe five more days before your first concert" she says and i'm so happy. "Thank you so much clara you're the best for setting this up along with mark" i tell her and we discuss further for practicing the concerts the rest of the time.

This day was absolutely perfect and nothing could ruin this.

At least that's what i tought...

I'm sorry to leave you hanging like this but i had to.

Also i called her manager mark because i don't remember the name i gave him so bare with me.

I hope you're all doing okay🤍

Till the next chapter babes<3

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