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Madeline POV

When i was done shooting i went back into my dressing room to change back, but before i went inside i saw chris on the phone. 'Would that be scarlett?' I think to myself but i shake it off and go change. As i walk out of the room i see him looking over at me and he hangs up the phone "hi bubs that was you mom. She got some car trouble on the way here and the mechanic took hours to fix the problem" he says. I nod "it's okay she van't help that her car broke down" i tell him with a hint of dissapointment in my voice. I know i shouldn't be dissapointed because it's not something she can fix but i still felt like that. She told me she'd be here and she wasn't, she missed another first.

I tried to hide my dissapointment as good as i could and so far i don't think anyone noticed, or maybe they just didn't say anything about it. When we got home there were pizzas on the table and i looked confused but robert just gave me a shrug so i know it was him. As we are eating we were talking a bit but i couldn't shake the dissapointment "hey monkey it's okay to be dissapointed she wasn't there" lizzie whispers in my ear and i shake my head "it isn't because she vouldn't do anything about it" i answer and she gives me a small smile letting it go. Just as we finished eating scarlett walks in and stand at the side of the living room with an apologetic smile. "Mads baby i'm sorry i wasn't there it's just that my car-" she starts but i cut her off by a hug "it's okay i inderstand you couldn't do anything about it"i tell her and she smiles down at me "thank you for understanding and not being mad" she says "well as long as you don't miss my first concert everything will be fine" i joke also half serious. If i ever give a concert and she isn't there i would be so extremely mad at her, but that's nothing to worry about. Yet. "Oh believe me if you give your first big concert i'll be on the forst row cheering at you with a big sign blocking all the others vieuw" she says and we both laugh and stay in eachothers embrace for a little while longer. "Okay as much as i loved today i'm incerdibly tired and i'm houng to bed" i say and they all say goodnight and i get ready for bed.

When i got out of the bathroom i saw two grown ass women sitting on my bed with their pj's on "what's happening here?" I ask them with a raised eyebrow "well we are ready for bed" lizzie says and i look at them and they get under the covers. "Oh you mean you're staying here tonight" i say and they both giggle and nod "well i guess one time won't hurt" i say and i dqueeze my way in between them and they cuddle up to me. I take in their familliar scents and let sleep take over.

The next morning i wake up to an empty bed, i open my eyes and look around but neither scarlett or lizzie are to be seen. I check my phone and see that i got messages from jade,mason, annabelle and the reat of my family in oxford. I opend jade's text first and it said 'happy birthday' and then i realised it was our birthday today. I got out of bed and ran over to jackson's toom and to my surprise he was still sleeping. I took my cahnce and started jumping on his bed saying happy birthday every jump i took and i was filming for jade and mason, it's weird because it's pur first birthday without them. After a minute or two he woke up and pulled my ankles causing me to fall and both of us started laughing. "Happy birthday dinosaur" i say and he smiles "happy birthday gecko" he says as he wraps me in a hug. "Hey not that nickname again you haven't used it in a couple months why start again" i say with a pout and he just laughs and shrugs, i know there's no stopping him for calling me that right now so i'll have to live with it and hope that no one asks for the story.

We both go downstairs after a few minutes of laughing and answering texts. When we get downstairs only colin is in the kitchen wich is weird, 'where are the rest' i ask myself. "Goodmorning" he days woth a smile "morning. Where are scarlett and lizzie?" I ask him while taking a apple. "They got called to work for something i donmt exacly know what but they shoud be back before dinner" he says and my smile drops a bit. They forgot, mean i shouldn't be to surprised by that but i tought they would have remembered. "Oh okay" i answer and i walk back upstairs and put on some jeans, a crop top and a hoodie. I take my shoes and my skateboard and before walking out i tell colin i'm gone to the park not so far from our house.

Once i get there i put in my earphones and blast music trough them while i start skating around. I really can't believe they forgot. At least i get to leave the house alone for once because ahe wasn't home, when she is i never get to leave the house on my own so this might be the only good thing about today.

So what do you think about this chapter?

Lmk if there's something you want to see or not?

Thanks for reading this and i hope you have a great day🤍

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