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Madeline POV

Today it the day of my first concert and i'm dying from the nerves. I woke up early this morning and i couldn't get back to sleep because i kept dreaming about al the things that could go wrong. I also sent florence a text telling her it was today but i doubt she'll be there because i didn't get any answer so that's a bit of a downer but at least my family will all be there.

Lizzie, chris and jackson came with me from the beginning to get ready, robert said we'll meet him there and scarlett is droping rose off at romain's so she'll be here half an hour before it begins. I mean she promised me to be here so i hope she will. When we get to the arena my nerves shoot up and i get this weird feeling in my stomach like something will happen. But i push that feeling aside because it's time for the last soundcheck and lighting control. The more time passes the more nervous i get and i keep looking over to the side to check if she's here yet but she's not.

Scarlett POV

Today was madeline's first concert and i will be there just like i promised her. Our relationship has taken a few steps back so i have to be here or i'll fuck up completely withpossiblt no coming back. Before i can go to support my little girl i have to drop of rose at romain's house because he couldn't come to pick her up. On the way there rose has been whining about not wanting to go to him and that's new because she always wants her dad. I've also noticed that ever since madeline's hand got twisted she started getting more clingy, 'does she think i don't love her enough?' That's the first tought that comes through my mind, but it can't be i haven't done anything woth madeline since i went back to work. My toughts are interupted when i pull ul in front of his house.

After a five minute fight i finaly got rose out of the car but she's holding on to me like i'll leave her forever. "Mommy i don't want you to go" she says and starts crying again. "Baby it's your time with daddy remember" i try to convince her but little subbirn shit has her mind put on not letting me go. God i wish i didn't make such stubborn children. I get to the front door wich took longer than usual and it feels like forever until he opens the door. The moment he sees rose crying on my shoulder he looks confused "she's been clingy the past few weeks and just threw an over five minute fit about not wanting me to go" i tell him and he nods "hey rosebud why are you crying?" He asks and she doesn't answer, she just burries her head deeper in my neck. "Rose baby you really need to let mommy go" i say softly but she cries louder again. "NOOOO! I don't want you to leave! I wanna spend more time with you and daddy!" She screams and i think i'm deaf on my right side "rosebud come here" romain says and tries to take her but she whines and grips me harder not letting go. I look at the time and i can spend five minutes inside and still be in time for the concert. "Look baby mommy can come inside for five minutes but then i have to go"i tell her and romains face changes "no you can't you especailly drop her of a day early to go to the concert so you can't" he says and like expected another loud cry in my ear. "I've looked at the time and i have enough time spare so i can just come inside for five minutes" i say and we walk inside.

It took way longer than i tought for rose to let me go and than she started playing with me and let me do her hair wich are things she never wants me to do. Suddenly she says "daddy i'm hungry what's for dinner" and than i realise something "shit! The concert!" I say and i look at the clock 6:30 p.m. fuck the concert is already over the half, i rush outside yelling goodbye and get into my car and as things can't be any worse i forget my phone at home this morning and the traffic is stuck. At that moment i realise that i'm screwed and i fucked up with madeline again.

I'm sorry this chapter is a bit shorter but i think this one is better than the previous ones so i'm kinda proud it's getting better again. Also i'm sorry for bot updating, things are getting busier at work so i don't always have time but i'll try my best.

What do you think about this book so far?

My messages are always open for requests or even if you want someone to talk to.

I live you all, have a great day🤍

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