Chapter 8

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Before going to Area D, Bai Jing picked out a small piece of wool in Area E and bought it for a thousand star coins.

He had just detected it with his senses, and there was no emerald in this piece of wool. In this way, the two pieces of wool will not be too conspicuous if one piece of wool rises and one piece crosses.

The placement of the D-grade wool area is not much different from that of the E area. The only difference is that the wool is placed in three grades, marked with 1W, 3W, and 5W prices, and the protection is more stringent.

There are also many people in District D, most of them alone or in groups of three or two, but a group of people is very conspicuous. There are about 20 of them. They are surrounded by a young man dressed in luxurious clothes. vast.

Bai Jing glanced at it, then retracted his gaze, and began to carefully observe the wool.

The wool in the D area is obviously much better than the E area, and most of them are fine leather and sand leather.

If there is coarse leather, it also has pine flowers or python belts, etc., each with its own characteristics, and each has a certain degree of gambling. Based on Bai Jing's current cognition, it is difficult to distinguish the good from the bad.

It seems that gambling on stones is far from being as simple as he imagined.

Even if you have a lot of theoretical knowledge, you are familiar with the performance of all wool materials; but without rich experience in gambling stones, without systematic guidance, or lack of a little luck, you can't solve jade.

What's more, Bai Jing's theoretical knowledge is still in its infancy.

He observed while walking along the stone platform, jotting down a few notes in his notebook from time to time.

After a while, Bai Jing keenly heard noisy discussions not far away. He looked up and found that many people were pointing around a piece of wool, it was the same group of people just now.

Others were attracted by the discussion, and more and more people gathered around the piece of wool.

The young man surrounded by the crowd was about twenty years old, wearing a good-quality silk shirt, handsome features, and the arrogance unique to a rich boy.

At this time, his chin was slightly raised, and he was talking proudly to the people around him.

Bai Jing saw that the young man had a silver badge pinned to his chest, with a pentagram pattern on the outside and the word 'three' marked in the center.

In fact, he had seen this kind of badge on the stone gamblers of Gu's stone gambling shop, but he didn't care about it at the time. Now it seems that it should be a sign of the stone gambler's identity.

When the young man's name was Min Qing, he became a third-level stone gambler at the age of twenty-two, with outstanding qualifications. However, he just lost a stone betting battle, and he was very upset.

Hearing that Young Master Gu came to Proxima Centauri, Min Qingshi, a stone gambler, immediately signed up for the stone gambling battle, and spent a whole day carefully selecting five pieces of wool.

Last night, he was so excited that he didn't sleep all night. He wanted to show himself well in front of his sweetheart, but he didn't expect that the wool that was selected by thousands of people would all collapse!

And the one who fought against him was just a trivial second-level stone gambler, but he turned out to be Jade!

Although it was a piece of jadeite with poor water quality, it undoubtedly hit Young Master Min's self-esteem deeply and made him feel hatred.

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