Chapter 22

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Two pieces of wool, Bai Jing intends to untie the one with the skylight open first.

After several cuts of this semi-bet wool material, only about three or four centimeters of thickness remained.

Master Xie Shi was about to get started when Bai Jing said softly, "Master, let me solve it myself."

He had tested this piece of wool with his senses, and only the thin layer near the window had green on the cut surface, which was almost as green as the leather. But if it is possible, he still wants to solve it, even if it is only a little jade.

The automatic stone cutter placed on the table is about fifty centimeters high, the height can be adjusted up and down, and the whole body is white.

The fuselage is made of very light polymer material, which is light and flexible as a whole and easy to operate.

Bai Jing fiddled a few times and then understood the operation method.

He erected the flat piece of wool, pressed the induction button, and the mechanical grippers on both sides automatically fixed the wool firmly without any shaking.

Although his learning speed is fast, people around him still see that he is a novice and can't help but whisper.

The stone cutting tool uses laser cutting technology, and is also equipped with an automatic infrared recognition system. As long as a line is drawn on the wool material with a special material, the cutting point can be automatically identified, so that the laser knife can be used for fast cutting, which is simple and fast.

In such a high-tech era, calcite is not difficult, but the most difficult thing is how to identify the direction of the jade inside the wool and accurately draw the cutting line.

It is necessary to ensure that one or two knives are green, and at the same time, the jade meat inside is not damaged. This is the time to test experience and eyesight.

In order to maintain the feel of the hand, many calcite masters do not use the infrared recognition system to locate, but use a laser knife to manually cut it, so that if something is wrong (such as green) in the middle, it can be corrected in time.

After Baijing fixed the wool, he drew a line less than one centimeter away from the window and pressed the cut button.

The laser knife does not have a blade, only a blue laser beam, glowing with a faint cold light, like a sharp blade in the hands of a swordsman.

The 'blade' pierced straight into the fur skin, and with one knife it split the flat wool into two pieces.

Everyone hurriedly looked closer, or looked up at the projection screen, and saw that the cutting line was drawn extremely accurately:

The part of the wool with the skylight has a smooth and flat cut surface, showing a bright green color, without a trace of cracks; while the other half is covered with small cracks.

This knife actually completely separated the crack!

This this......

Everyone was dumbfounded, and even Master Xie Shi looked at Bai Jing with some admiration. Even he might not be able to cut so accurately.

The wool dealer was also quite shocked. Could it be that this young man is still a master?

But thinking of the other party's unfamiliar operation, hum, maybe it's a coincidence.

"Little Master, your technique is really good. However, this wool material is a gamble, right?"

The wool merchant looked at Bai Jing mockingly, but there was a little bit of joy in his heart.

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