Chapter 25

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The stone gamblers who participate in the stone gambling battle must go to the underground warehouse of Gu's stone gambling shop at least one day in advance to select wool materials in order to match their opponents in the later stage.

The selection time of each stone gambler is three hours, divided into two periods: morning and afternoon.

The stone gambler must select five pieces of wool within three hours. After the selection, it will be transferred to a special storage room and packaged according to the name. It cannot be changed since then, and the calcite will not reappear until the day of the stone gambling battle.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Bai Jing came to the underground warehouse of Gu's gambling stone shop to select the wool for the stone gambling battle.

The layout of the warehouse is very similar to that of Gu's No. 5 wool area. It is divided into four wool areas, A-D. Except for scraps in E area and auction-grade wool in S area, other classifications and standard rooms are almost the same.

This is also Gu Yuanchao's intention. Both belong to Gu's family, and they can supplement each other with wool to ensure that Gu's new wool enters the market every day.

Bai Jing's current identity is 'Gu Yun', which belongs to the side branch of the Gu family from a remote planet, so naturally he can no longer maintain his previous dress.

He took off the heavy black-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose and restored his original delicate and beautiful facial features.

The plain T-shirt and jeans he had been wearing before were also replaced by a hand-made custom suit with good texture and well-fitting. With his excellent appearance and temperament, he looked like a pampered young master from some aristocratic family, which was completely different from before. two people.

Now Bai Jing, even if An Ge had seen his true face standing in front of him, he's afraid he wouldn't be able to recognize him for a while.

The difference is really too big!

It is like a piece of uncut jade that was suddenly discovered and polished into a work of art that shocked the world. No one knows its origin and origin since then.

This time, Bai Jing intends to choose the wool material priced at 30,000 star coins in the D area.

The first time he participated in the stone betting battle, he couldn't choose wool that was priced too high at once. This grade was quite suitable.

At the same time, there were about dozens of stone gamblers who came to select wool materials. They sat in the VIP area and waited for a while before being taken to the second underground floor by Gu's staff.

After everyone scans the code with their brains to confirm their identities, they have to go through two inspections before they can enter. The inspections are very complicated.

Each person is not allowed to carry space buttons and other tools for storing items, and no dangerous items are allowed. Even the light brain must be taken off and put aside to prevent cheating.

At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether genes, light brains and stone gamblers are compatible, etc., to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Bai Jing didn't know what method Gu Yuanchao used, in short, the name 'Gu Yun' was displayed on the machine when scanning the optical brain.

After all inspections are completed, the stone gamblers enter the corresponding wool area.

Most of the stone gamblers here choose the wool in the D area, and a few choose the C area, which is more expensive.

God-level Stone GamblerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon