Chapter 84

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During the period of Master Gu Liubai's recovery, Bai Jing put all the wool that he brought back from the Sot Public Disk into the basement, ready to unravel all these rough stones.

The basement has a lot of space, and Gu Yuanchao has also equipped a complete set of calcining equipment, which is very convenient.

Looking at the fifty or sixty pieces of wool, large and small, placed on the marble table, Bai Jing smiled.

It's not worth his hard work every day to check the wool and put out the bids in the open and dark marked areas. At this time, he can finally unlock the spoils!

These wools are still numbered on them, and Bai Jing walked around them, intending to unravel the A4100 wool first.

It's the one he's most looking forward to.

This is a piece of authentic Laokeng black Usha wool, the skin is black like lacquer, and the surface is covered with a layer of black wax shell.

There are gray-green pine flowers all over the skin, and there is a circle of strip-shaped pine flowers in the middle, which is not bad.

Black Usha wool is a real 'ten bet nine lose', there is a certain possibility of high green, but this possibility is very small.

The average black Usha is very small and round, the small one is only the size of two fists, and the large one is no more than the size of a children's ball, and it will not exceed 7 or 8 kilograms at most.

However, this piece of wool is the size of a football and weighs 23.3 kilograms.

A three-finger-wide layer of black mist was wiped off the surface of the leather case, making it a little more uncertain.

Use a strong light to illuminate the black fog along the mouth of the black fog, and you can see the deep dark green from the inside, which is not as bright as the sun green, apple green and other colors, so there are not many bidders. .

It is precisely because of this that Bai Jing took this piece of wool at the price of 4.99 million star coins, and at the same time avoided the seller's bid blocking.

But he clearly knew through the active reaction from the inside that the jade in this piece of wool was no less than other top-quality jade!

Bai Jing put the black usa wool on the lithotripter, and the mechanical arms on both sides fixed it firmly.

After wiping off the thin black mist layer on the outside with a grinding wheel, the exposed rubbing surface has a clear texture and strong light transmittance, which is obviously glass!

However, its color is not as bright, rich and emerald green as ordinary green.

But this does not mean that its color is dull, but a kind of green to the extreme!

This is one of the top jadeites - Mo Fei!

The extremely intense color represents the ultimate compressed energy, and the energy contained in each kilogram of ink jade is even two to three times higher than that of the top glass type imperial green jade of the same weight!

Heiwusha leather shell is relatively thick, Bai Jing used a laser knife to cut off the thick wax shell and outer shell with a few 'swish', then turned the grinding wheel to the maximum gear, and cleaned off the excess gravel along the wiped window.

The color of Mo Fei is not easy to distinguish, and it is easy to mix with the black color of Heiwusha. If it is replaced by other calcifying masters, he's afraid that it will take several hours to solve.

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